High Court judgment handed down in important shareholder dispute; Fewings v Poulter

The High Court has now handed down judgment in Fewings v Poulter, one of the largest and most important shareholder disputes to come to trial in the Chancery Division in recent years. It has been widely reported in the national media, no doubt because of its front page facts – two old schoolfriends start what later became the largest supplier of decorative stoneware in the UK and then one of them throws the other out with blackmail and extortion – but it also sets some important precedents on the law of quasi-partnerships, unfair prejudice and share valuation.

Siward Atkins QC, instructed by Knights PLC, appeared against Lesley Anderson QC at the three week trial in June.

To view the judgment, please click here. To view a news item regarding the case written by The Times, please click here (subscription required).