Leading Crypto Practitioners join Maitland

We are excited to announce that Dean Armstrong KC and Racheal Muldoon have joined Chambers. They bring further strength to our civil fraud and broader asset recovery credentials, particularly in the field of cryptoassets in which both Dean and Racheal are highly recommended in Chambers & Partners....


Chambers and Partners Global Guide 2023

The Chambers and Partners Global Guide 2023 was launched online today (16 February 2023) where we are delighted to be ranked as a leading set in four practice areas.Maitland now has 34 individual barristers ranked across four areas including Commercial Dispute Resolution, Commercial Chancery, Offshore and Insolvency....


Success in agricultural finance group claim

Ted Loveday, instructed by Clarke Willmott LLP, has successfully obtained settlements in long-running High Court claims for alleged mis-selling of financial products to farmers by companies including Nationwide Corporate Finance Ltd....


Barton v Morris [2023] UKSC 3

Andrew Twigger KC represented the successful appellant in the Supreme Court. The lead judgment by Lady Rose contains important clarifications to the law concerning implied terms and the circumstances in which the terms of a contract between the parties bar an unjust enrichment remedy. ...


Malik, Malik & Malik v Malik [2023] EWHC 59 (Ch)

Thomas Munby KC and James Kinman (instructed by Ken Duncan and Alina Neal of Stephenson Harwood LLP) represented the successful paper title owner in a long-running family dispute over the ownership of a Knightsbridge flat. The case gave rise to important questions relating to the emerging doctrine of what has been termed “judicial estoppel” and the law of adverse possession....


Harrington Scott Ltd v Coupe Bradbury Solicitors Ltd

Rebecca Page and Emily Gailey, instructed by RPC, successfully struck out a multi-million-pound professional negligence claim against the claimant’s former solicitors after a substantial 5-day summary judgment / strike out hearing: Harrington Scott Ltd v Coupe Bradbury Solicitors Ltd [2022] EWHC 2275 (Ch). The judgment can be found here....


Sara & Hossein v Blacks

Richard Fowler represented the successful landlord in the Supreme Court in a notable new case about commercial leases....


The Lawyer reveals its ‘Top 20 cases of 2023’

Two cases involving members of Maitland Chambers are featured in The Lawyer 's Top 20 Cases with proceedings set to be heard in court during 2023.Asturion Foundation v Aljawharah Bint Ibrahim Abdulaziz Alibrahim...


Estate Gazette Top 10 Cases of 2022 Podcast

The Estate Gazette (EG) has released its ‘Top 10 Cases of 2022’ podcast where legal editors Sarah Jackman and Jess Harrold present their annual round-up from the courts and count down their top 10 property law cases of 2022....