High Court Judgment Handed Down in Hicks v 89 Holland Park Management Limited [2021] EWHC 930 (Comm)

John McGhee QC and James Hanham acted for the successful Covenantee and were instructed by Clive Chalkley and Charlotte Weeks of Gowling WLG....


Warner and Sony succeed in the Court of Appeal

The Court of Appeal (the Master of the Rolls, Lord Justice Arnold and Lady Justice Rose) gave judgment on 26 March 2021 in (1) Warner Music UK Limited (2) Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited v TuneIn Inc. The Court dismissed TuneIn’s appeal save in one small respect and upheld the High Court’s ruling that TuneIn infringed Warner and Sony’s copyrights through its operation of the TuneIn online internet radio service....


HMRC successfully resists appeal by Inmarsat against a ruling on capital allowances on the costs of launching six leased satellites

HMRC has been successful in the Upper Tribunal in a long-running dispute with Inmarsat concerning the launch costs in relation to six leased communications satellites which were launched between 1990 and 1996. The Upper Tribunal upheld the FTT decision. The FTT had agreed with HMRC that no deduction was available....


The Bar Council of England and Wales Bar Sustainability Network

The network is a Bar Council initiative run in conjunction with Achill Management, a sustainability consultancy with expertise working with the legal profession. The network provides a range of services and support for chambers, Inns and others to help transition to a more sustainable way of working.For further details about the initiative, please visit here....


International Women’s Day

At Maitland Chambers we celebrate this day and #ChooseToChallenge (not just today but throughout the year) the culture and perception around equality and life at the Commercial Chancery Bar for women, right from the beginning. We recognise that it can be extremely difficult for aspiring female barristers to find out first-hand what life is like at the Chancery Commercial Bar, especially in a pandemic....


Sir Jeremiah Harman

Sir Jeremiah was a Member of Chambers at 9 Old Square prior to their merger as part of Maitland Chambers. He was, until his appointment as a High Court Judge in 1992, one of the leading silks at the Chancery Bar and as a judge will be remembered particularly for his expertise in company law and insolvency. He was a Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn and served as the Treasurer of the Inn in 2000. We send our condolences to his family at this time....


Supreme Court Hearing Rittson-Thomas and others v Oxfordshire County Council

Christopher McCall QC is leading Nigel Thomas instructed on behalf of the Appellants, Oxfordshire County Council. Simon Taube QC of Ten Old Square is leading Matthew Smith instructed by Clifford Woodroffe of Lee Bolton Monier-Williams LLP and is acting for the respondent Rittson-Thomas family....


Convoy Collateral Ltd v Broad Idea International Ltd & Anor

Richard Morgan QC and Andrew McLeod will appear with Walkers’ partner Rosalind Nicholson on behalf of the First Respondent instructed by Walkers’ partner Murray Laing (with Blake Morgan as Privy Council Agent) and David Mumford QC and Ryan Turner will appear with Appleby’s Andrew Willins on behalf of the Second Respondent (with BDB Pitmans as Privy Council Agent)....


Kids Company disqualification claim dismissed

In a judgment handed down today following a 10 week trial, Falk J dismissed the Official Receiver’s claim for the disqualification of the former directors (“the Trustees”) of the well-known charity Kids Company, which went into liquidation in 2015....