James Daniel Lewis Greville v Marnie Louise Venables (2007)

Judgment Date: 19 Jul 07

Summary An inference of an implied agreement to form a partnership might be legitimate if the parties had not addressed in express terms what the basis of their business should be, but if they had discussed the subject expressly and had not reached agreement because one party declined the other's...

Stewart Dunn v Glass Systems (UK) Ltd (2007)

Judgment Date: 11 Jul 07

Summary Particulars of claim of a barrister seeking payment of fees and damages against a client were struck out where the particulars were excessively lengthy, contained details that were irrelevant to the cause of action, contained a large number of terms that were simply incomprehensible and contained material that was...

HSBC Trust Co (UK) Ltd v Gabriel Brian Quinn (2007)

Judgment Date: 09 Jul 07

Summary A written agreement that one party would sell a property to another at a certain price had not on its face been a deed, and although the language of the agreement and the fact that it was signed and witnessed indicated that it had been intended to have legal...

RE I (2007)

Judgment Date: 04 Jul 07

Summary Funds placed with a hawala company for transfer to a foreign account had not been held on trust as the hawala system was totally inconsistent with the existence of a trust and it was inherent in the system that customers' funds were consolidated and constituted the general funds of...

Thomas & Agnes Carvel Foundation v (1) Pamela Carvel (2) Carvel Foundation Inc (2007)

Judgment Date: 11 Jun 07

Summary On the application of a beneficiary under an agreement to maintain mutual wills, the court exercised its discretion under the Judicial Trustees Act 1896 s.1 to remove a personal representative of the estate of the deceased and replace her with a neutral, independent person, where she had failed to execute...

Berkeley Community Villages Ltd v Fred Daniel Pullen (2007)

Judgment Date: 07 Jun 07

Summary On the proper construction of an agreement between a property developer and landowners, whereby the developer had agreed to use its expertise to maximise the potential of land for development in return for a fee payable upon the sale of the land once planning consent had been obtained, the...

(1) Earl Cadogan (2) Cadogan Estates Ltd v 26 Cadogan Square Ltd (2007)

Judgment Date: 24 May 07

Summary Head lessees did not have the right of individual lease extension conferred on them by the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993. Facts The appellant freeholders in two conjoined cases appealed against a decision that the respondent head lessees had a right of individual lease extension conferred on...

Howard De Walden Estates Ltd v Les Aggio: Earl Cadogan v 26 Cadogan Square Ltd (2007)

Judgment Date: 24 May 07

Summary Head lessees did not have the right of individual lease extension conferred on them by the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993. Facts The appellant freeholders in two conjoined cases appealed against the decision that the respondent head lessees had a right of individual lease extension conferred on...