(1) JSC BTA Bank (2) BTA Securities JSC v Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi Tao (2018)

Judgment Date: 17 Apr 18

Summary In proceedings between a Turkish bank and a Kazakhstan bank relating to the enforcement of a guarantee governed by Turkish law, an order granting permission to serve outside the jurisdiction was set aside on the basis that the claimant had submitted to the jurisdiction of the Turkish courts by...

Instant Access Properties Ltd (in liquidation) v Bradley John Rosser & 6 Ors (2018)

Judgment Date: 13 Apr 18

Summary Although a shadow director might be liable for breach of fiduciary duty to the company, he would not be liable for any loss arising from breach of that duty where a de jure director, on the same facts, would have been relieved of duty under the Companies Act 1985 s.727...

Amt Futures Ltd v (1) Karim Boural (2) Kurt Gruber (3) Gerlinde Kolleger (4) Peter Dietrich (5) Wolfgang Karbstein (2018)

Judgment Date: 12 Apr 18

Summary On its proper interpretation, a standard form clause in a contract which conferred exclusive jurisdiction on the English courts obliged the parties not to begin, or continue, any relevant proceedings in any forum other than the English court. The continuation of proceedings begun elsewhere would, on the face of...

(1) Alan Clark (2) LBDL Ltd (In Liquidation) v (1) Alexandre Meerson (2) Marie Antoinette Meerson (2018)

Judgment Date: 03 Apr 18

Summary In determining the scope of a pre-action settlement agreement that purported to settle "the whole of the claim" where a liquidator had raised a number of disputes against the owners of the company in liquidation, it was appropriate to consider the correspondence leading up to the pre-action offer to...

(1) Montreux Capital Management (UK) Ltd (2) MCM UK (Group) Holdings Ltd (3) Montreux Group (Holdings) Ltd v (1) John Godden (2) Wentworth Hall Consultancy Ltd (3) Ian Morley (2018)

Judgment Date: 21 Mar 18

Summary The court did not grant summary judgment in a dispute over the terms of a settlement agreement where it was at least arguable that a deal carried out by the defendant did not qualify as such under the agreement and where the objective meaning of the words in the...

(1) Richard Toone (2) Kevin Murphy v (1) Dean Robbins (2) Richard Robbins (2018)

Judgment Date: 20 Mar 18

Summary Two company directors were required to repay to joint liquidators payments which they had received from the company which they had failed to demonstrate had been lawfully paid by way of remuneration. Facts Two joint liquidators appealed against a decision that the payment of £10,098 to the defendant company directors...

Michael Tuke v JD Classics Ltd (Formerly JD Classics Holdings Ltd) (2018)

Judgment Date: 16 Mar 18

Summary Where a claimant had served a notice to prove after the original deadline for service of witness statements, the notice was out of time, pursuant to CPR r.32.19(2)(a). The fact that a judge struck out the bulk of the witness statements which had been served and set a...

(1) Sally Woodward (2) Mark Addison v Phoenix Healthcare Distribution Ltd (2018)

Judgment Date: 16 Mar 18

Summary A party's entitlement to take advantage of its opponent's mistakes was qualified by its duty under CPR r.1.3 to help the court further the overriding objective. Where a party threatened with litigation failed to draw the proposed claimant's attention to a mistake which resulted in service being defective, that...

Frederick & Ors v Positive Solutions (Financial Services) Ltd (2018)

Judgment Date: 13 Mar 18

Summary A company providing financial advice was not vicariously liable for a fraud perpetrated by one of its agents. Although the fraud had involved an online portal the agent had had access to in his role as the company's agent, his wrongdoing had been part of a recognisably independent business...