Harrison v Thompson & Or (1989)

Judgment Date: 28 Jul 89

Summary Court may remit award if there is a risk of injustice Discretion to remit an arbitrator's award by Arbitration Act 1950,s.22(1) was exercisable where risk of injustice existed. Even if the discretion was general, case references to the interests of justice could not be taken literally; deliberate choices, however...

Bank of Baroda v Shah & Anor (1988)

Judgment Date: 23 Mar 88

Summary Bank not under a duty to ensure guarantors have independent advice. Facts Bank's appeal against dismissal of possession proceedings where judge had held that respondents' guarantee of a relative's company and mortgage of respondents' house had been induced by undue influence, as the respondents had no independent legal advice...

Kemmis v Kemmis; Lazard Bros v Norah Holding (1988)

Judgment Date: 12 Feb 88

Summary Husband's disposition to defeat wife-bank not put on notice : Husband's disposition to bank to defeat wife not avoided as bank was not put on constructive notice Facts Although the doctrine of constructive notice might be applied to s.37(4) Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, where a husband had made a reviewable disposition...

Haarhaus & Co GmbH v Law Debenture Trust Corporation PLC & Ors (1988)

Judgment Date: 01 Jan 88

Summary Manner of voting not confidential : No duty of confidentiality. Facts The manner in which votes were cast for or against an extraordinary resolution at a meeting of creditors was not confidential vis-a-vis the principal debtors who were convenors of the meeting. Plaintiffs' application for injunctions against the defendants in...

TCB Ltd v Gray (1987)

Judgment Date: 07 Jul 87

Summary Signatory to power of attorney estopped from denying due sealing : Overridden by person dealing bona fide without notice : Estoppel as to denying deed sealed Facts Defendant's appeal dismissed where he had executed a limited form of guarantee of his company's debenture secured debt. His solicitor with his approval,amended...

Bowen-Jones v Bowen-Jones (1986)

Judgment Date: 07 May 86

Summary Indemnity basis costs taxation Facts As to principles on which costs should be awarded to successful party on an administration summons. Held Under RSC O.62 there were now a costs on the standard basis allowing a reasonable amount on all costs reasonably incurred b costs on the indemnity basis...

Sharma v Knight (1986)

Judgment Date: 27 Jan 86

Summary Process filed in court in the wrong district still valid Facts Appeal against refusal to adjudicate on application for a new tenancy under s.29(3) because application came before the court more than four months after the giving of the landlord's notice under s.25 LTA 1954. In fact tenant's notice had...

Church Commissioners for England v Nodjoumi (1985)

Judgment Date: 20 May 85

Summary Effect of notice to forfeit. Where landlord gives statutory notice on one ground but claims possession and succeeds on another ground Facts Landlords issued notice to forfeit a lease under s.146 LPA 1925 and then by writ claimed forfeiture of the lease for breach of covenant, inter alia in respect...

Finlay Graham & Ors v Robert Philcox & Ors (1984)

Judgment Date: 18 Apr 84

Summary Effect of enlargement of dominant tenement on existing easements. Facts Appeal against dismissal of claim to right of way from a house where right had been granted to a top-floor tenant by predecessor who owned both the house and the servient tenement. The appellant claimed that by virtue of...