NCNB Texas National Bank v Evensong Co Ltd (1991)

Judgment Date: 15 May 91

Summary Applications under s.30 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 A creditor seeking execution against a ship owner is not an "interested person" for the purposes of an application under s.30 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 to prohibit any dealing with the ship. The section gives an applicant who is "an interested party" a substantial...

Transit Casualty Co v The Policyholders’ Protection Board (1991)

Judgment Date: 15 Apr 91

Summary Valuation of insurance companies faced with winding up petitions : Policyholders' Protection Scheme - valuing assets and claims : Valuation of insurance companies faced with winding up petitions. Facts Guidance on valuing insurance companies faced with winding up petitions where it was held inter alia in reply to questions posed in...

Sen v Headley (1991)

Judgment Date: 28 Feb 91

Summary Claim to gift of land by donatio mortis causa fails : Claim to gift of land by donatio mortis causa fails : Claim to gift of land by donatio mortis causa succeeds Facts al against dismissal of claim to gift of a house by donatio mortis causa where deceased owner to...

Hazell v Hammersmith & Fulham LBC (1991)

Judgment Date: 24 Jan 91

Summary Unlawful transactions : Local authorities have no power to enter into interest "rate swaps". District auditor's appeal from decision holding that rate swap transactions were lawful. Facts Held The lending banks contended that under s.11(1) Local Government Act 1972 those swap transactions which were intended to replace or re-profile existing interest...

Derby & Co Ltd & Ors v Weldon & Ors (No.9) (1990)

Judgment Date: 06 Nov 90

Summary No duty to disclose unless the statement is to be adduced in evidence at the trial. Facts Appeal by plaintiffs against refusal to order the defendants to serve on the plaintiffs' solicitors a report of expert evidence on an issue in the action. Held The reference in RSC O.38...

Kenneth Mason v Desnoes & Geddes ltd (1990)

Judgment Date: 02 Apr 90

BBMB Finance (Hong Kong) Ltd v Eda Holdings Ltd & Ors (1990)

Judgment Date: 09 Feb 90

Summary Measure of damages is the value of the property irretrievably lost. Facts Appeal from the Court of Appeal of Hong Kong by defendants against decision awarding plaintiffs HK$ 28,632,425 being the value of converted shares less the value of replacement shares at the date of replacement. Held Reliance was placed...

Mettoy Pension Trustees Ltd v Evans & Ors (1989)

Judgment Date: 12 Dec 89

Summary Application by trustees for directions for determination as to how surplus property & money of trustee company should be applied on winding up pension scheme where the original pension scheme had been replaced by a new non-contributory scheme and the court was asked to deal with nine questions set out...

Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA v Aboody (1989)

Judgment Date: 28 Oct 89

Summary Proof of undue influence insufficient to justify setting transaction aside. Unless plaintiff can show manifest disadvantage, proof of undue influence alone insufficient to justify setting transaction aside. Wife's appeal as to bank mortgage dismissed.