Murray v Guinness Guinness (1998)

Judgment Date: 29 Apr 98

Summary Effect of s. 2 of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989. Facts These two applications for summary judgment by the plaintiff were in two actions against different defendants but raised the same issues. The plaintiff, who had been a close friend of both sets of defendants, acted as solicitor...

Bogg & Ors v Raper & Ors (1998)

Judgment Date: 08 Apr 98

Summary Plaintiff beneficiaries under a will claimed the trustees of the will had acted in breach of trust causing substantial losses to the estate. Trustees claiming that their actions were covered by an exemption clause in the will. Facts The plaintiffs were the wife and two children of John Bogg ...

Hogg Robinson Financial Services LTD v The Pensions Ombudsman (1998)

Judgment Date: 02 Apr 98

Summary Whether maladministration correctly found against pension trustees and fund managers in case concerning pension transfer value. Facts The case concerned the pension arrangements of a Mr Bower, a member of the Digital Equipment Co Ltd (Digital) Pension Scheme, whose employment with Digital had terminated by reason of redundancy. The...

Khazanchi v Faircharm Investments Ltd : McLeod v Butterwick (1998)

Judgment Date: 17 Mar 98

Braid v Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council (1998)

Judgment Date: 10 Mar 98

Summary Construction of a rent review clause in a lease which made reference to 'the land'. Whether rent was to be assessed in relation to the land or to the land together with buildings erected on it thereafter. Facts Plaintiff's appeal against the decision of HH Judge Boggis QC in...

Re Hamlet International PLC (1998)

Judgment Date: 27 Feb 98

Summary Facts Application under s.11(3)(a) Insolvency Act 1986 by Trident International Ltd ('Trident'), a freight forwarding and warehousing company for leave to enforce its security under a general lien over stock held for and on behalf of the two companies, wholly owned by Hamlet International plc ('Hamlet') in administration. The...

n Re Trusts Of The Scientific Investment Pension Plan (1998)

Judgment Date: 20 Feb 98

BRS Northern Ltd v Templeheights Ltd (1997)

Judgment Date: 19 Dec 97

Summary Business tenant's application for a declaration that the landlord's withholding of consent to an assignment of a lease of a warehouse to Safeway Stores Plc was unreasonable. Facts Application by the plaintiff tenant for a declaration against the 1st defendant as the original landlord and the second defendant as...