BexBes LLP v Michael George Christopher Beer, Jane Susan Beer (2008)

Judgment Date: 28 Oct 08

Summary In the circumstances the claimant was entitled to a further fee on the sale of a business, calculated by reference to the increase in consideration between the purchaser's first offer and the sale. Facts The claimant (B) claimed fees said to be due on the disposal by the defendants ...

Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation v IPCO (Nigeria) Ltd (2008)

Judgment Date: 21 Oct 08

Summary The terms of the New York Convention 1958 and the Arbitration Act 1996 did not prevent part enforcement of an award in an appropriate case provided the part to be enforced could be ascertained from the face of the award and judgment could be given in the same terms as those...

Kier Regional Ltd v City & General (Holborn) Ltd & Others (2008)

Judgment Date: 17 Oct 08

Summary Interim third party debt orders would not be made final where the third parties' liabilities to the judgment debtor were in reality contingent liabilities or had not yet been quantified so that no debt was due and owing from the third parties. Even if there had been a debt...

James Paul (Car Sales) LTD v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (VADT20833) (2008)

Judgment Date: 17 Oct 08

Summary It had been entirely appropriate for the Revenue to impose a penalty on a high value dealer for a failure to meet registration requirements in the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 reg.10, even though the trader operated a non-cash policy but had made exceptions for three good customers. High value traders...

DCC Holdings (UK) Ltd v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2008)

Judgment Date: 17 Oct 08

Summary The court considered the effect and application of the Finance Act 1996 s.84, s.85 and s.97 in relation to the treatment for taxation purposes of net paying sale and repurchase agreements between companies and concerning gilts. Facts The appellant company (D) appealed against a special commissioner's decision (DCC Holdings (UK)...

Secretary of State for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform v Aaron (2008)

Judgment Date: 16 Oct 08

Summary In director disqualification proceedings, whether brought under s.8 or under s.7 for an order under s.6 of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986, there was an implied exception to the strict rules of evidence on hearsay evidence, opinion evidence and the rule in Hollington v Hewthorn. Facts The appellants (D)...

Progress Property Co Ltd v Cornus Moore (2008)

Judgment Date: 15 Oct 08

Summary A company director had not been in breach of his fiduciary duty or his duty of skill and care in procuring the sale of shares in a group company and approving the price where he had intended the transaction to be at market value and the shareholders of the...

Chantry Estates (South East) Ltd v Anderson & Anor (2008)

Judgment Date: 03 Oct 08

Summary A property development company was entitled to summary judgment for specific performance of a contract containing an option to buy freehold property when it had not been possible to say that the contract required an implied obligation or limitation to make it work. Facts The applicant property development company ...

Julian Roger Herbert v (1) Leonard Doyle & Anor (2008)

Judgment Date: 30 Sep 08

Summary An amendment to a successful party's defence and counterclaim was permitted after judgment had been given: no new points or evidence were required and no substantial injustice was created for the other party. Facts The applicant property owners (D) applied for permission to amend their defence and counterclaim after...