Itsalat International Co Ltd v Allied TC Plc & Ors (2009)

Judgment Date: 14 May 09

Summary The grant of a without notice freezing injunction on the basis of a real risk of asset dissipation had been correctly granted and allegations of material non-disclosure were manifestly unsustainable. Facts The third and fourth defendants (X and Y) applied to set aside a freezing order imposed against them...

Clarke v Murphy (2009)

Judgment Date: 12 May 09

Summary A building scheme existed in respect of certain properties so that each property owner could object to a proposed discharge or modification of restrictive covenants in respect of one of the properties. Facts The tribunal was required to determine as a preliminary issue whether the fourth and fifth objectors ...

David George Head v Social Security Commissioner (2009)

Judgment Date: 07 May 09

Summary The future right to an enhanced state pension did not constitute a "possession", within the meaning of that term under the European Convention on Human Rights 1950 Protocol 1 art.1, until retirement, at which point national law could determine what that entitlement was. On that basis the future right to an...

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales v Webb (2009)

Judgment Date: 04 May 09

Daad Sharab v HRH Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal Bin Abdal-Aziz-Al-Saud (2009)

Judgment Date: 30 Apr 09

Summary Although the Court of Appeal's discretion to receive fresh evidence applied to the acceptance of an undertaking, it declined an undertaking offered by a party challenging jurisdiction to submit to the jurisdiction of a foreign court. To accept the undertaking would produce a different situation to that considered at...

JD Wetherspoon PLC v Van de Berg & Co Ltd [2009]

Judgment Date: 07 Apr 09

Summary A company and one of its directors had breached fiduciary duties owed to a company for whom it found properties to acquire and develop as licensed premises. Two other directors had dishonestly assisted in the breach in respect of certain transactions. Facts The claimant (J) brought two actions against...

Kevin So v HSBC Bank PLC

Judgment Date: 03 Apr 09

Summary A bank had acted in breach of a duty of care by putting into circulation a letter of instruction and a reference letter and representing that it had accepted the instructions and intended to adhere to them, but the breach had not caused loss to defrauded investors because they...

Re Neath Rugby Ltd (No 2) Hawkes v Cuddy and others (No 2) [2009] 2 BCLC 427

Judgment Date: 02 Apr 09

Unfair Prejudice petition. Instructed as junior counsel.

Andrew John Crooks v Newdigate Properties Ltd (Formerly UPUK Ltd) (2009)

Judgment Date: 02 Apr 09

Summary The liability of a judgment debtor under a judgment had been discharged in full by a payment made to the claimant by the other defendants pursuant to a consent order so that the judgment could not be enforced by another defendant as assignee. Facts The appellant (M) appealed against...