WW Realisation 8 Limited (In Administration) (2009)

Judgment Date: 06 Nov 09

Summary In the circumstances contractual provisions in the terms of issue of certain loan notes and in joint venture and licence agreements were not invalidated by the so-called anti-deprivation rule which operated to prevent a person's property being transferred and taken away from his creditors on bankruptcy. Moreover, if the...

Megtian v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2009)

Judgment Date: 05 Nov 09

Summary Where a company had appealed against a decision of the VAT and duties tribunal upholding a refusal of payment of input tax claimed by the company, the court, exercising its discretion and weighing up the injustice to the parties, ordered security for costs of the appeal. However, there was...

Sectorguard PLC v Dienne PLC : Dienne PLC v Legion Group PLC (2009)

Judgment Date: 03 Nov 09

Summary An application for the committal of the directors of a company for its failure to comply with an undertaking was struck out as an abuse because on the documentary evidence it had no real prospect of success; the undertaking on which it was based was incapable of performance. Facts...

In The Matter Of Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (In Administration) (October 2009)

Judgment Date: 21 Oct 09

Summary The proper construction of a prime brokerage agreement was that the counterparty to the agreement retained a beneficial interest in the securities held by the broker as custodian and in cash derived from those securities. As a result, the counterparty was a secured creditor for both cash and securities...

Delagio & Ors v Maxwell (2009)

Judgment Date: 20 Oct 09

Summary There was no basis for the continuation of a worldwide freezing order against a property agent where there was insufficient evidence of dishonest conduct on his part or of any likelihood that he would attempt to stymie a judgment against him. Facts The applicant companies (D) applied to continue...

Jirehouse Capital v Stanley Sherwin Beleer (2009)

Judgment Date: 20 Oct 09

Summary A claim had been settled in pre-trial negotiations where a "subject to contract" umbrella, under which the terms of the settlement had earlier been approved, was lifted by necessary implication so as to make the negotiations binding. Facts The court was required to determine whether an action brought by...

Cadogan Petroleum PLC v Tolley (October 2009)

Judgment Date: 16 Oct 09

Summary An application was granted to use part of the transcript of a pre-trial cross-examination of a defendant, which was subject to an undertaking as to its use, in an action for breach of contract, breach of trust and conspiracy. The use of the material was, however, restricted if the...

Alan Grisbrook v MGN Ltd (2009)

Judgment Date: 16 Oct 09

Summary An application to commit a newspaper publisher for breach of an undertaking to the court not to infringe a freelance photographer's copyright was refused as, although the publisher's actions had infringed copyright, the issue between the parties was not one which had featured in the actions leading to the...

Hortense Littlewood v David Radford (2009)

Judgment Date: 13 Oct 09

Summary A judge had erred in finding, contrary to both parties' submissions, that a surveyor had not been retained at the date an application should have been made by his client to the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal in accordance with the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993. Facts The appellant ...