Wirecard Bank AG v Allen Thomas Scott (2010)

Judgment Date: 10 Mar 10

Summary The director, company secretary and an employee of a company which sold tickets for sporting events were liable for the torts of conspiracy to defraud by unlawful means and deceit where the company failed to deliver a single ticket it had sold for the 2008 Olympics. No one at the...

Chantry Estates (South East) Ltd v Anderson (2010)

Judgment Date: 10 Mar 10

Summary It was not necessary to imply terms into an option-to-buy contract entered into by a property development company and the former owners of the freehold property to which the option related as the proposed terms were not necessary to make the agreement work. Facts The appellant former freehold owners ...

Shell U.K. Limited & Ors v Total UK Limited & Anr (2010)

Judgment Date: 04 Mar 10

Summary Joining the legal owner to proceedings in respect of damage to property would suffice to enable the beneficial owner to recover, subject to the rules of remoteness and damage, for all the loss which it had suffered and it did not matter that the beneficial owner was not in...

Bellway Homes Ltd v Beazer Homes Ltd (2010)

Judgment Date: 04 Mar 10

Summary A company was entitled to be allocated land at a site it was developing with a second company where they had both previously agreed that the first company was due to receive land elsewhere which was later found to be incapable of development. Facts The claimant (B) sought a...

FoodCo UK LLP (T/A Muffin Break) & Ors v Henry Boot Developments Ltd (2010)

Judgment Date: 03 Mar 10

Summary A non-reliance clause in an agreement for lease excluded liability for innocent and negligent misrepresentations, but not fraudulent ones, and the claimant tenants failed to show that representations made by the landlord were false and fraudulently made. Facts The claimant tenants (T) claimed that they had entered into agreements...

UK Housing Alliance (North West) Ltd v Francis (2010)

Judgment Date: 24 Feb 10

Summary A provision in a sale and leaseback contract entitling the landlord buyer to retain 30 per cent of the purchase price if it terminated the tenancy pursuant to any right to do so under the tenancy agreement was not an unfair term under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999...

Dineshkumar Shah v Chandrakant Shah (2010)

Judgment Date: 24 Feb 10

Summary Where a family company was a quasi-partnership with characteristics which, on principles of equity, engaged obligations that were common to partnership relations, it had been unjust or unfair to exclude a member from participation in its management without an offer to buy the minority shareholder's shares or make some...

Panagopoulos v Earl Cadogan (2010)

Judgment Date: 24 Feb 10

Summary This case raised issues as to jurisdiction and discretion under s.48 of the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993. The landlord asserted that the tenant’s application under s.48 had been made too soon and that, no later application having been made, the tenant’s claim was deemed...