Cadogan Petroleum PLC & 9 ORS v Mark Tolley & 19 ORS (2010)

Judgment Date: 18 May 10

Summary The court ordered disclosure of parts of a confidential settlement agreement made between a claimant and some of the defendants that were relevant to the outstanding issues in the proceedings between the claimant and the remaining defendants. Facts The applicants (X) applied for specific disclosure of a settlement agreement....

Milebush Properties Ltd v Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council (2010)

Judgment Date: 13 May 10

Summary A claimant who wished to enforce a right of way granted to it by virtue of a clause in an agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 s.106, was not entitled to a declaration as to the true construction of the clause. The grant of such a declaration...

Moblix Ltd (In Administration) v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2010)

Judgment Date: 12 May 10

Summary In order for a taxable person to be deprived of the right to deduct input tax it had to be shown that he knew or should have known that his transaction was connected with fraudulent evasion of VAT, and it was not sufficient to show that he knew or...

John Smith & Co (Edinburgh) Ltd v Richard John Hill (2010)

Judgment Date: 11 May 10

Summary It was arguable that a reversioner could sue upon a temporary nuisance before his reversion fell into possession where the nuisance caused injury to his reversion. Facts The court was required to determine two competing applications for summary judgment in a claim for nuisance and unpaid rent. The action...

Dawsongroup Plc v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2010)

Judgment Date: 11 May 10

Summary In deciding whether expenditure constituted "expenses of management" within the meaning of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 s.75(1), the expression "expenses of management" was to be treated as an ordinary expression which was incapable of detailed definition. The question was whether the expenditure positively, rather than by default,...

Vernon v Spoudeas & Anor (2010)

Judgment Date: 06 May 10

Summary The failure by a judge to give reasons for not granting a party relief from that party's non-compliance with an unless order and striking out his claim vitiated the judge's decision. Facts The appellant architect (V) appealed against a decision of a judge dismissing his appeal against an order...

Revenue & Customs Commissioners v Noorasa Begum (Rep. Of The Estate Of Mohammed Uddin) (No 1) (2010)

Judgment Date: 04 May 10

Summary Since there was a clear and principled distinction between freezing injunctions made in respect of proprietary and non-proprietary claims, there was no justification for creating a sub-category of quasi-proprietary claims in considering the scope of exceptions which should be made for the payment of legal costs. Facts The applicant ...

Anna Vinton & 6 ORS v Fladgate Fielder (A Firm) (2010)

Judgment Date: 30 Apr 10

Summary Applications to strike out a claim for damages brought against a firm of solicitors for alleged breach of duty of care in tort and contract and for summary judgment on that claim were refused where the firm had failed to show that there were no reasonable grounds for bringing...

Aviva Life & Pensions UK Ltd v Strand Street Properties Ltd (2010)

Judgment Date: 29 Apr 10

Summary The judge had been entitled to find that the claimant and defendant had agreed to make an equal contribution to professional fees incurred in relation to a commercial development. Facts The appellant (S) appealed against a judgment in favour of the respondent (N). The action related to the development...