Tradegro (UK) Ltd v Charles Price (2010)

Judgment Date: 07 Jul 10

Summary In interpleader proceedings it was determined that the obvious intention of the parties was that monies held pursuant to an undertaking in the client account of a firm of solicitors were held by the solicitors as trustee, to pay the monies out in accordance with the terms of the...

Hugo Day & Lady Hilary Greenslade Day v Hosebay Ltd (2010)

Judgment Date: 01 Jul 10

Summary The right to enfranchisement under the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 extended to buildings that were exclusively used for business purposes, provided the buildings amounted to a "house" within the meaning of s.2(1) of the Act. Facts The appellant landlords (L1 and L2) appealed against the courts' interpretation of "house" under...

Roger Marsh v (1) Simon Marsh (2) Time Critical International Ltd (2010)

Judgment Date: 25 Jun 10

Summary The evidence did not support a father's claim that he had been in partnership with his son in a courier business. Facts The claimant (R) claimed for a declaration against the first defendant (S), who was his son, and the second defendant company (T), that he and S together...

Daniel Pittack v Muhammad Maximilian Naviede (2010)

Judgment Date: 24 Jun 10

Summary The Standard Conditions of Sale (4th edition), applicable to residential conveyancing, did not at clause 1.5 operate to exclude subsales Facts The claimant purchaser (P) claimed for the return of a deposit paid on exchange of contracts for the purchase of a leasehold residential property from the defendant vendor (N)....

State Street Bank & Trust Co v Sompo Japan Iunsurance Inc (2010)

Judgment Date: 17 Jun 10

Summary A guarantor of obligations under a swap agreement securing the issue of floating notes was entitled to the reimbursement it claimed following the termination of the swap agreements. Where it was clear from consideration of all the relevant documents that a mistake had been made in the definition of ...

Hexstone Holdings Ltd v AHC Westlink Ltd (2010)

Judgment Date: 11 Jun 10

Summary A notice to terminate an underlease was invalid because it had been given by the parent company of the tenant and there was no evidence that the parent company had authority to act as agent on behalf of the tenant. Facts The claimant landlord (L) claimed for a declaration...

In The Matter Of Metrocab & In The Matter Of Frazer Nash Technology v Revenue & Customs (2010)

Judgment Date: 11 Jun 10

Summary The court refused to exercise its discretion to rescind winding-up orders made against two companies where the circumstances were not significantly different from those at the time the orders were made, and the court was not satisfied that it had been provided with all the material facts. Facts The...

New Northumbria Hotel Ltd v Maymask (148) LLP (2010)

Judgment Date: 28 May 10

Summary It was not appropriate to grant an interim injunction preventing a company from using various chattels of a hotel where the hotel operator had commenced proceedings for delivery up and restitutionary damages. There was a serious issue to be tried as to who had the better right to possession,...

Hotgroup PLC v Royal Bank Of Scotland Plc (As Trustee Of Schroder Exempt Property Unit Trust) (2010)

Judgment Date: 28 May 10

Summary Where the provisions of a break clause in a commercial lease made it clear that service of a notice terminating the lease was only valid if it was served on the property management company, service of such a notice on the landlord alone was not effective. Facts The claimant...