Crossco, Piccadilly, Philip Noble v Jolan Ltd, Jolan Piccadilly Ltd, (2011)

Judgment Date: 31 Mar 11

Summary Where landlords had served on their tenants a valid notice under a break clause in the lease of commercial premises and a valid notice under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 s.25, and had established a valid ground of opposition to a new tenancy under s.30(1)(f) by demonstrating their...

Sinclair Investments (UK) Ltd v Versaille Trade Finance Ltd (In Administration) & 5 Ors (2011)

Judgment Date: 29 Mar 11

Summary A judge had been right to reject a company's proprietary claim to the proceeds of sale of shares which its director had held in another company; although the proceeds could not have been obtained had the director not enjoyed his fiduciary status, they were not beneficially owned by the...

Extra MSA Services Cobham v Accor UK (2011)

Judgment Date: 17 Mar 11

Summary On the proper interpretation of a termination clause in an agreement for a lease of a hotel to be constructed at a motorway service station, the developer could not give notice to terminate the agreement by relying on its own failure to perform obligations to obtain required consents in...

Milebush Properties Ltd v Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council (2011)

Judgment Date: 17 Mar 11

Summary A dispute about the enforcement of rights under an agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 s.106, if it was to be decided by a court, ought to be decided in judicial review proceedings to which the local planning authority was a party. Facts The appellant company (M)...

Tradegro (UK) Ltd & Wigmore Street Investments Ltd v Charles Price (2011)

Judgment Date: 16 Mar 11

Summary The court construed an undertaking whereby the solicitors of a company held money another party had paid under a judgment, after the company had become insolvent and another judgment against the company had been given in the other party's favour. Facts The appellant creditor (P) of the second respondent...

Kathleen Bleasdale & John Cariss v Deborah Forster (2011)

Judgment Date: 16 Mar 11

Summary In the context of fraudulent misrepresentation it was possible for a claimant to plead an alternative case based on the defendant's version of events while continuing to deny that version. The requirement for a statement of truth did not prevent such a scenario as long as there was a...

Phillip Roberts (Liquidator of Onslow Ditchiling Ltd) v Peter Frohlich & Godfrey Spanner (2011)

Judgment Date: 18 Feb 11

Royal Bank Of Scotland Plc v Thomas Hicks, George Gillett, Kop Football (Cayman) Ltd & Ors (2011)

Judgment Date: 17 Feb 11

Summary It was not appropriate to discharge an anti-suit injunction preventing the former owners of Liverpool Football Club from issuing proceedings in the United States in relation to the sale of the club. Facts The applicants (RBS and B) applied for permission to amend claims brought against the respondent former...

JSC BTA Bank v Mukhtar Ablyazov & Ors (February 2011)

Judgment Date: 10 Feb 11

Summary Claims by a bank, controlled by the state of Kazakhstan, for repayment of sums of money from its former chairman, where the chairman denied the claims on the basis that the claims were politically motivated, were not actions that involved the direct enforcement of a foreign penal, revenue or...