JSC BTA Bank v Mukhtar Ablyazov & Ors (May 2011)

Judgment Date: 10 May 11

Summary An insolvent Kazakh bank had not abused the court process by pursuing actions to recover misappropriated assets. Although it was arguable that the President of Kazakhstan had persuaded the bank to bring the actions in order to eliminate a political opponent, it was unrealistic to suppose that the proceedings...

Secretary of State for Business, Innovation & Skills v Baer Ltd (2011) (Court of Appeal)

Judgment Date: 04 May 11

Roger Williams & Ors v Redcard Ltd & Ors (2011)

Judgment Date: 20 Apr 11

Summary A document purporting to sell a company's freehold interest in residential property did not require use of the words "by or on behalf of" the company in order to be validly executed. The requirements in the Companies Act 2006 s.44(4) concerning the proper execution of documents were satisfied by the...

Nigel Alliance, Cringle Corporation Ltd v Yousef Tishbi, Realty Estates Ltd (2011)

Judgment Date: 20 Apr 11

Summary It was clear from the words and context of a consent order that the effect of the compromise was that the parties were to keep the money that they had already been paid and drop any claims against each other. Facts The applicants (T) sought a declaration that, on...

Woodford Land Ltd v Persimmon Homes Ltd (2011)

Judgment Date: 15 Apr 11

Summary The determination of an expert appointed under an option agreement construing the agreement in favour of the purchaser was contractually binding between the parties but not binding on the court as it was not a judicial decision. A concession by the vendor on the construction issue, made before bringing...

John Milsom, David Standish, Jeremy Outen v Mukhtar Ablyazov (2011)

Judgment Date: 08 Apr 11

Summary It was appropriate to discharge a temporary undertaking limiting the use by receivers of documents disclosed to them in connection with arbitration proceedings. Arbitration confidentiality or privacy was not absolute and the receivership's purpose in getting in and preserving complex commercial assets would be hampered by the requirement either...

Helena Partnerships Ltd (Formerly Helena Housing Ltd) v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2011)

Judgment Date: 06 Apr 11

Summary The tribunal found that a registered social landlord had not been established for purposes that were exclusively charitable and was therefore not entitled to extend the charitable exemption from corporation tax under the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 s.505 and s.506 to tax years pre-dating its registration as a...

Scottish Widows Fund & Life Assurance Society v BGC International (2011)

Judgment Date: 31 Mar 11

Summary The court construed a lease in a way that the court considered a reasonable person would have understood the parties to have meant by the words they actually used. Facts The claimant (S) brought construction and rectification claims in respect of a sub-sub-underlease which it had entered into with...