Daad Sharab v Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal Bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud (2012)

Judgment Date: 29 Jun 12

Summary An order allowing service of proceedings out of jurisdiction did not extend to a quantum meruit claim of the restitutionary kind, as, although it had been pleaded in the alternative to a contractual claim, it did not "arise in respect of a contract". Facts The court was required to...

Yukos Capital SARL v OJSC Rosneft Oil Co (2012)

Judgment Date: 27 Jun 12

Summary The act of state doctrine did not apply to allegations of impropriety against foreign court decisions, whether in the case of particular decisions or in the case of a systemic dependency on the dictates or interference of the domestic government. A decision of the Amsterdam court of appeal refusing...

F&C Alternative Investments (Holdings) Ltd & Ors v Barthelemy & Anor (2012)

Judgment Date: 22 Jun 12

Summary A judge had erred in applying the costs consequences of the claimants' failure to beat a Part 36 offer when the defendants' offer did not comply with the CPR Pt 36. It was not permissible to discount a number of failures to comply with the requirements of Part 36 as matters of...

The Scotts Company (UK) Ltd v Paper Mill Lane Properties Ltd (2012)

Judgment Date: 21 Jun 12

Summary This claim was for declarations as to the meaning of a contract for the sale of development land as regards payments to be made out of a contractual retention towards environmental remediation works, and an alleged estoppel against the claimant seller. Facts The contract was construed in the manner...

Wimpole Theatre v JJ Goodman Ltd (2012)

Judgment Date: 15 Jun 12

Summary On the proper construction of a contract, a company was entitled to payment for procuring the introduction of two companies. Facts The claimant (W) brought a claim against the defendant(G) for failure to make payment due under a contract. W had operated a theatre under the terms of...

Caldero Trading Ltd v Beppler & Jacobson Ltd & Ors (2012)

Judgment Date: 14 Jun 12

Summary Showing or supplying the witness statements and attached documents to a third party funder so that the funder could determine whether to continue to fund the proceedings and whether to give and whether to continue to give the cross-undertaking in damages was use "for the purpose of the proceedings"...

Bank of Scotland Plc (T/A Halifax) v John Dodd (2012)

Judgment Date: 13 Jun 12

Summary A suspended sentence of two months' imprisonment was imposed on an individual who had breached a freezing injunction by travelling outside of the jurisdiction and by failing to give up his passport. Facts The applicant bank (B) applied for the respondent (D) to be committed to prison for breaches...

Richard Paul Thomas v (1) David Jeffery (2) Joy Sweet (3) Gemma Sweet (2012)

Judgment Date: 31 May 12

Summary A recorder had not erred in principle in the manner in which he exercised his discretion on costs and the judge had not been entitled to reverse his decision. Facts The appellant (T) appealed against a decision allowing an appeal by the respondents (J) against a costs order made...

Q-Park Ltd v HX Investments Ltd (2012)

Judgment Date: 31 May 12

Summary There was no clear wording in an option agreement restricting a company from marketing and selling its interest in five car parks either individually or collectively. Facts The appellant (H) appealed against a decision concerning the proper interpretation of an option agreement made between H and the respondents (Q)...