Ludsin Overseas Ltd v ECO3 Capital Ltd & Ors (2012)

Judgment Date: 19 Jul 12

Summary A company which had lost £2 million by investing in a scheme involving the purchase of a plot of land succeeded in its claim for fraudulent misrepresentation against several defendants who had been involved in the promotion or operation of the scheme. Facts The claimant company (L) brought a claim...

Trevor Horn & Ors v Commercial Acceptances Ltd (2012)

Judgment Date: 19 Jul 12

Summary On the proper interpretation of a loan agreement and accompanying trust deed between a commercial lender and pension scheme trustees who had participated in the lending, the trustees were entitled to recover their contribution in full where a borrower had defaulted and there was a shortfall in the security....

Peter Taylor v Kenneth Saunders, Martin Terry, Christopher Gibson & Paul Taylor (2012)

Judgment Date: 19 Jul 12

Summary An accountant executor who had taken a neutral position in relation to whether a client had testamentary capacity when executing a will in his presence was entitled to his costs out of the estate under CPR r.48.4(1), despite having addressed personal allegations during the hearing that he had known...

International Leisure Ltd & Citibid Securities Ltd v First National Trustee Co UK Ltd & Ors (2012)

Judgment Date: 16 Jul 12

Summary A secured debenture holder's claim against an administrative receiver it had appointed over a company ought not to have been struck out as its claim did not offend the rule against reflective loss. To strike out such a claim arbitrarily denied a secured creditor fair compensation for any primary...

Racecourse Media Group Ltd & Amalgamated Racing Ltd v Philip Siers (2012)

Judgment Date: 13 Jul 12

Summary An ex-employee had acted in breach of the terms of a confidentiality clause in his service contract when he disclosed sensitive commercial information to a third party. Facts The first claimant company (R1) and second claimant company (R2) claimed damages for breach of confidence and breach of contract against...

Lloyds TSB Bank Plc v Crowborough Properties Ltd & Ors (2012)

Judgment Date: 12 Jul 12

Summary It was not appropriate to rectify a Tomlin order to create a legal charge to secure a company's debts as there had not been a continuing common intention that the claimant bank was to have a separate charge in order to secure those debts. Facts The applicant bank (L)...

Erik Holmes v Tracey Evans (2012)

Judgment Date: 11 Jul 12

Summary Both Andrew Walker QC and his instructing solicitors, Shelter Cymru, (neither of whom had been involved at any stage at first instance) agreed to act pro bono at the appeal hearing, following the withdrawal of legal aid. Davis LJ paid “tribute to the careful and attractive way in which...

Mackay & Anor v Ashwood Enterprises Ltd & Ors (2012)

Judgment Date: 05 Jul 12

Summary An application to vary a court order to allow the owner of a block of flats to retain possession of one flat when receivers took possession of the block amounted to an application for a mandatory injunction requiring the receivers to allow him to remain in the property. Facts...

Solland Projects LLP v Nautiloides Comercia International E Services Sociedade Unipessoal LDA (2012)

Judgment Date: 04 Jul 12

Summary Where a claimant had altered its case on the trial of a preliminary issue as to the nature of a £1 million payment, and that case was an arguable one, it was not appropriate to strike it out, but the trial would have to be adjourned to allow that case...