Malcolm Healey v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2013)

Judgment Date: 07 Mar 13

Bank of Scotland Plc v Greville Development Company (Midlands) Ltd (2013)

Judgment Date: 06 Mar 13

Summary It was just and convenient in the circumstances to continue a freezing order and permit a claimant to cross-examine the defendant on the disclosure it had given. The claimant had a good and arguable case, and there was the possibility that the defendant's assets would be dissipated if both...

Patrick Degorce v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2013)

Judgment Date: 04 Mar 13

EMI Records Ltd v British Sky Broadcasting Ltd (2013)

Judgment Date: 28 Feb 13

Summary The court issued a blocking injunction requiring six internet service providers to block customers' access to three peer-to-peer file-sharing websites. The service providers knew that customers were using the services to download copyrighted sound recordings without permission, and a blocking injunction was proportionate in the circumstances. Facts The claimant...

Niklas Zennstrom v Kevin Fagot (2013)

Judgment Date: 21 Feb 13

Summary The redevelopment of a property had not been carried out during the course of a business in connection with the provision of dwellings so as to make the vendors liable to the purchasers for breach of their duty under the Defective Premises Act 1972 s.1(1). Facts The court was required...

Kutchukian v Free Grammar School of John Lyon (2013)

Judgment Date: 20 Feb 13

Summary When determining the value of a freehold under the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 Sch.6 it was not right to apply a discount for legal uncertainty regarding the prospective exercise of rights by the freeholder under s.61. The true construction of the Act had to be determined...

Morshead Mansions Limited v Mactra Properties Limited (2013)

Judgment Date: 15 Feb 13

Summary The court construed a lease in order to determine the extent of the landlord's obligation to provide its tenants with an account in relation to the service charge payable for each accounting year. Facts The appellant landlord (M) appealed against a decision granting the respondent tenant (P) summary judgment...

Sycamore Bidco Ltd v Sean Breslin (No 3) (2013)

Judgment Date: 14 Feb 13

Summary With regard to the interest payable on judgments under the combined effect of the Senior Courts Act 1981 s.35A, the Judgments Act 1838 s.17 and CPR r.40.8, the court construed the word "judgment" and examined factors affecting determination of the correct start and end dates, and the rate at which...

Gorbunova v Berezovsky (2013)

Judgment Date: 13 Feb 13

Summary A defendant who successfully applied for discharge of that part of an injunction that froze his assets in general, but who remained subject to proprietary injunctions against three specified properties, had obtained a significant win in real terms and the claimant was ordered to pay 30 per cent of his...