Deutsche Bank (Suisse) SA v Gulzar Ahmed Khan (2013)

Judgment Date: 25 Apr 13

Summary Where a bank sought its costs incurred in debt and possession proceedings against individual and corporate defendants, costs were awarded on a joint and several basis and an indemnity basis. The case was run was on the basis that effectively all the defendants were in it together and were...

ECO3 Capital Ltd & Ors v Ludsin Overseas Ltd (2013)

Judgment Date: 23 Apr 13

Summary A judge had been entitled to find that those who had been involved in a scheme to purchase a plot of land were liable in deceit to a company which they had induced to invest in the scheme by concealing its true structure and the price being paid for...

Twinmar Holdings Ltd v Klarius UK Ltd & Ors (2013)

Judgment Date: 19 Apr 13

Summary In a dilapidations claim, the court determined that rooflights which had become so degraded as to lose some of their translucence were no longer in good and substantial repair and condition as required by the lease. It also discussed, in obiter comments, the essential characteristics of a window for...

Public Relations Consultants Association Ltd v Newspaper Licensing Agency (2013)

Judgment Date: 17 Apr 13

Summary The Supreme Court proposed to refer to the European Court of Justice the issue of whether copies of protected material temporarily retained in the internet cache or on the end-user's screen fell within the exception provided for by Directive 2001/29 art.5(1). Facts The appellant (P) appealed against a decision ([2011] EWCA...

Amarjit Singh Banwaitt v Mohamed Dewji (2013)

Judgment Date: 17 Apr 13

Summary A claimant was entitled to rescission of an agreement to invest in a project to buy land in Cambodia because he had been induced to enter into the agreement by fraudulent misrepresentations including representations that other investors had contributed funds and that there was a binding agreement to sell...

Royal Bank of Scotland PLC v Highland Financial Partners LP (2013)

Judgment Date: 12 Apr 13

Summary In a claim for the recovery of advances made in connection with a collateralised debt obligation transaction the claimant bank had obtained judgment on liability by fraud through the misstatement and concealment of facts by its key witness. Therefore the liability judgment, the Court of Appeal's judgment on liability...

Morshead Mansions Ltd v Mactra Properties Ltd (2013)

Judgment Date: 10 Apr 13

Summary Where a tenant had obtained summary judgment against its landlord in relation to the accounting years 2004 to 2006 but not the accounting year 2003, and the evidence showed that the consideration of 2003 added nothing to the costs of the summary judgment application, the correct percentage reduction in an assessment of costs...

Ticketus LLP & Ors v Craig Whyte & Ors (2013)

Judgment Date: 05 Apr 13

Summary When answering a questionnaire as part of a due diligence exercise prior to entering into a series of contracts, a defendant was guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation when he stated that he had not been disqualified as a director, knowing that answer to be false. Alternatively, he was reckless and...

Horace Parshall v Clara Hackney (2013)

Judgment Date: 26 Mar 13

Summary Rectification and indemnification were the only remedies for mistakes resulting from concurrent registration of land in two different titles; nobody with registered title to land could, at the same time, establish possessory title, because their occupation of the land would not be unlawful. Time did not, therefore, begin to...