Bank of Ireland v Philip Pank Partnership (2014)

Judgment Date: 12 Feb 14

Summary Where a solicitor had filed and served a costs budget on time, but failed to notice when signing it that the words "statement of truth" appeared next to his signature without the actual statement of truth being present, his error did not render the costs budget a nullity; it...

Michael Salliss v Stephen Hunt (2014)

Judgment Date: 10 Feb 14

Summary A deputy registrar had erred in dismissing a discharged bankrupt's application for annulment of his bankruptcy on the basis that his main creditor bank remained unpaid, as the bank had told the trustee in bankruptcy clearly and unequivocally that it did not intend to prove for its debt. The...

Amarjit Singh Banwaitt v Mohamed Dewji (2014)

Judgment Date: 06 Feb 14

Summary A judge had been entitled to order rescission of an agreement to invest in a failed scheme for the purchase of land in Cambodia on the basis that the investor had been induced to enter into the agreement by fraudulent misrepresentation. Facts The appellant (D) appealed against a decision ([2013]...

Fuglers LLP & Ors v Solicitors Regulation Authority (2014)

Judgment Date: 05 Feb 14

Summary The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal had been justified in imposing a total fine of £75,000 upon a firm and two partners who had been found guilty of misconduct after allowing the firm's client account to be used as a banking facility by a client who was at risk of insolvency. There...

Burntcopper Ltd (t/a Contemporary Design Unit) v International Travel Catering Association Ltd [2014] All ER (D) 64 (Feb)

Judgment Date: 01 Feb 14

Appeared for defendants as sole counsel in Commercial Court trial on liability for breach of contract.

Bilta (UK) Ltd (in liquidation) v Nazir [2014] Ch 52

Judgment Date: 31 Jan 14

Court of Appeal dishonest assistance, breach of duty and fraudulent trading (led by Christopher Parker KC).

Bank of Scotland Plc v Greville Development Co (Midlands) Ltd & 15 Ors (2014)

Judgment Date: 31 Jan 14

A bank established on the civil standard of proof that its customer, an individual who controlled various companies, had adduced untruthful evidence and had forged documents relating to a legal charge over property. The court also considered what kind of error might fall within a "mistake of a clerical or...

Brenda Myrtle Sumner & Ors v Costa Ltd & Ors (2014)

Judgment Date: 29 Jan 14

Summary In determining a rent review, an arbitrator was not required to set out every reason he had as to the weight to be given to each comparable property. Facts The applicant landlords (L) challenged the award of the second respondent arbitrator regarding a rent review under the commercial lease...

Re the Estate of Platon Elenin (Aka Boris Berezovsky) (2014)

Judgment Date: 23 Jan 14

Summary The late Boris Berezovsky's daughter, who was involved in a dispute with the Russian airline, Aeroflot, as to who should administer her father's estate, would be entitled to rely, at the final hearing, on confidential information in the hands of non-parties relating to the solvency of the estate, subject...