Dar Al Arkan Real Estate Development Co & Or v Majid Al-Sayed Bader Hashim Al-Refai & Ors (May 2014)

Judgment Date: 23 May 14

Summary CPR r.81.4 had extra-territorial effect. A committal application could be made in respect of a foreign company director and served on him outside the jurisdiction, when it was alleged that he was responsible for the contempt of a company that was subject to the jurisdiction of the English court....

Goldtrail Travel Ltd (In Liquidation) v Abdulkadir Aydin & Ors (2014)

Judgment Date: 22 May 14

Summary The sole director and shareholder of a company in liquidation had breached his fiduciary duties to the company by misapplying its money and had breached the Companies Act 2006 s.175 by putting himself in a position where he had an interest that conflicted with its general interests. Facts The claimant ...

JSC BTA Bank v Mukhtar Ablyazov & Ors (2014)

Judgment Date: 14 May 14

Summary A judge had been entitled to order the trial of an issue as to whether a Russian businessman was the beneficial owner of shares in a company for the purposes of freezing and receivership orders made against him. Facts The court had to determine whether a judge was wrong...

Registrar of Companies v Angela Swarbrick & Ors (2014)

Judgment Date: 13 May 14

The Registrar of Companies was required to remove from the register a statement of proposals made under the Insolvency Act 1986 Sch.B1 para.49 and to replace them with amended proposals submitted by the company's administrators. Some of the material in the original proposals fell within the ambit of the Insolvency...

Friends Life Management Services Ltd v A & A Express Building Ltd (2014)

Judgment Date: 09 May 14

Summary The court set out how the service charge payable for the last accounting period of a commercial lease should be calculated. Facts The claimant tenant (F), which had been party to a commercial lease in respect of which the defendant (L) was the landlord, sought a determination of the...

Nicholas Green v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2014)

Judgment Date: 28 Apr 14

Shepherd v Fox Williams LLP & Ors (2014)

Judgment Date: 16 Apr 14

Summary It was appropriate to grant an individual summary judgment in his claim for delivery up and/or destruction of certain documents that contained sensitive personal data and in respect of which he had not waived privilege. Facts The applicant (S) applied for summary judgment in his claim for delivery...

Fairfield Sentry Ltd v Migani & Ors (2014)

Judgment Date: 16 Apr 14

Summary Certain documents sent by the administrator of a mutual fund to members, including contract notes recording any redemption of shares made, constituted "certificates" which were binding on the fund under its articles of association. Facts The appellant financial institutions (X) appealed against a decision of the Eastern Caribbean Court...

In the Matter of Gleeds Retirement Benefits Scheme v Gleeds (Head Office) (2014)

Judgment Date: 15 Apr 14

Summary Members of a pension scheme were not estopped from disputing that defective deeds, which had been intended to make changes to the scheme, were validly executed. The court also confirmed that it was possible for an estoppel by representation to be based on a representation purely of law. Facts...