Jetivia SA v Bilta (UK) Ltd (In Liquidation) (2015)

Judgment Date: 22 Apr 15

Summary An illegality defence could not bar a claim brought by the liquidators of a company which had been the vehicle for a VAT fraud, against its former directors and overseas suppliers who were alleged to have been involved in the fraud. The conduct of the directors could not be...

Muduroglu v Reddish LLP

Judgment Date: 17 Apr 15

Summary On the evidence, a share transfer to recompense the recipient for introducing investment into a property development project had been agreed at a discounted price, not for free. Facts The claimant claimed for payment of the price of shares transferred to the first defendant company, under an agreement with...

Eren Muduroglu v Reddish LLP & Derek Lucie-Smith (2015)

Judgment Date: 17 Apr 15

Summary On the evidence, a share transfer to recompense the recipient for introducing investment into a property development project had been agreed at a discounted price, not for free. Facts The claimant claimed for payment of the price of shares transferred to the first defendant company, under an agreement with...

Erste Group Bank AG (London) v JSC (VMZ Red October) [2015]

Judgment Date: 17 Apr 15

Summary Two Russian defendants to proceedings alleging unlawful means conspiracy established that a judge had been wrong to find that England was the appropriate forum for resolving the dispute. Although the proceedings concerned a loan governed by English law, the starting point for deciding forum was the place of commission...

David Alastair Bruce v TTA Management Ltd & 8 Ors (2015)

Judgment Date: 01 Apr 15

Summary A court had erred in granting summary judgment on a former shareholder's claim for fraudulent misrepresentation in the valuation and sale of his shares, as it was open to him to rely upon post-sale transactions to infer that at some earlier point in time, the other shareholders had planned...

Swiss Cottage (40) Properties Ltd v Primeestate Investments Ltd (2015)

Judgment Date: 05 Mar 15

Summary A unilateral notice which had been registered against the title to a property could remain on the register if the party who had registered it provided a fortified cross-undertaking in damages in the sum of £5 million. Facts The claimant vendor applied for an order requiring the defendant purchaser to...

Libyan Investment Authority (Incorporated under the laws of Libya) v Societe Generale SA & 5 Ors (2015)

Judgment Date: 26 Feb 15

Summary In a claim concerning alleged bribery and corruption, a confidentiality club was extended to include an officer of the claimant, which was a sovereign wealth fund in Libya, who had been on a committee investigating corruption. His knowledge of the authority's trades, employees and the people in power at...

Choudhury v Stepney Shahjalal Mosque and Cultural Centre Ltd (2015)

Judgment Date: 12 Feb 15

Summary Proceedings concerning the trustees of a company limited by guarantee that was a registered charity were charity proceedings under the Charities Act 2011 s.115(2) that required permission from the Charity Commission or the court. The proceedings were stayed and an interim injunction preventing a trustee election was continued pending a...

Rawlinson & Hunter Trustees SA v Director of the Serious Fraud Office & Ors (2015)

Judgment Date: 10 Feb 15

Summary The court considered applications under CPR r.31.22 and r.32.12 for permission for the collateral use of documents disclosed and witness statements served in proceedings arising out of an investigation by the Serious Fraud Office. It observed that the public interest was against the collateral use of documents forming part...