Terry Simou v Michael Salliss & Ors (2017)

Judgment Date: 28 Apr 17

Summary A trial judge had not erred in refusing two applications to adjourn a trial on the ground of the ill-health of one of the defendants. Although the judge had failed properly to deal with the first application, the defendants had not suffered any injustice as a result, and they...

Maria Puzitskaya & Ors v St Paul’s Mews (2017)

Judgment Date: 26 Apr 17

Summary Where a company's articles of association provided for members to have particular voting rights in general meetings, and the articles had been drafted before the Companies Act 2006 allowed for majority voting on written resolutions, the articles could not be construed so as to apply the particular voting rights to...

BTS Specialised Equipment Ltd v Revenue & Customs Commissioners : NTS Specialised Equipment Ltd v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2017)

Judgment Date: 25 Apr 17

Summary In relation to a missing trader intra-community fraud appeal, although a First-tier Tribunal had erred by committing several procedural irregularities in its decision to uphold HMRC's refusal to allow the deduction of input tax because the appellants knew that the transactions concerned were connected with the fraudulent evasion of...

(1) TCG Pubs Ltd (In Administration) & Ors v The Master & Wardens or Governors of the Art of Mystery of the Girdlers of London (2017)

Judgment Date: 10 Apr 17

Summary Under the terms of a lease, a landlord's buy-back option had to be triggered by a formal grant, and a letter containing an offer to sell the residue of the lease to the landlord did not suffice. Facts The court was required to determine whether a buy-back option in...

R (On the Application of Sustainable Development Capital LLP) (Claimant) v Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy & ors (2017)

Judgment Date: 07 Apr 17

Destiny Investments (1993) Ltd v TH Holdings Ltd (Re TPD Investments Ltd) [2017] EWHC 657 (Ch)

Judgment Date: 31 Mar 17

Summary The court determined the appropriate remedy in a case of unfair prejudice within the meaning of the Companies Act 2006 s.994. It considered the fair value of the petitioners' shares in the company concerned, whether the percentage of shares attributable to them should be increased, and whether any personal liability...

Grosvenor (Mayfair) Estate v Merix International Ventures Ltd (2017)

Judgment Date: 30 Mar 17

Summary A judge had been entitled, having taken full account of all the guidance to be derived from precedent and reached a decision with the benefit of his own evaluation, to find that a townhouse with past mixed residential and office use and no current use at all, was a...

Andrew Wood v (1) Sureterm Direct Ltd (2) Capita Insurance Services Ltd (2017)

Judgment Date: 29 Mar 17

Summary The court interpreted an indemnity clause in an agreement for the sale and purchase of shares in an insurance broking company. The clause covered loss caused by mis-selling only where such loss followed or arose from a claim or complaint by a customer to the Financial Services Authority or...

Wood v Capita Insurance Services Ltd (2017)

Judgment Date: 29 Mar 17

Summary The court interpreted an indemnity clause in an agreement for the sale and purchase of shares in an insurance broking company. The clause covered loss caused by mis-selling only where such loss followed or arose from a claim or complaint by a customer to the Financial Services Authority or...