South Wales Electricity Plc v Director General of Electricity Supply (1999)

Judgment Date: 22 Oct 99

Summary Under the Electricity Act 1989, an electricity supplier was not authorised to use its prepayment meters to collect water charges. Facts Application for a declaration that running an electricity and water prepayment scheme was within the claimant's statutory powers. The claimant ('Swalec') was a licensed public electricity supplier ('PES') under...

Harold Percy Chaffe v Michael Kingsley (1999)

Judgment Date: 21 Oct 99

Summary A common intention to reserve a right of some kind which was unspecific as to the precise nature and extent of that right could not found a case for the implication of the reservation. Facts Defendant's appeal from the order of HH Judge Maddocks made on 18 July 1997 dismissing the...

Capper v West Midlands Rent Assessment Committee

Judgment Date: 14 Oct 99

Summary Appeal against decision of Rent Assessment Committee; failure to adhere to time limits; impact of delay.

Re: Blenheim Leisure (Restaurants) Limited (No.2) (1999)

Judgment Date: 08 Oct 99

Summary The court had power to impose conditions on the restoration of a company when exercising its jurisdiction under s.653 Companies Act 1985. However the imposition of conditions was not to be regarded as an opportunity for parties who were neither the company concerned or the Company Registrar to obtain benefits...

Peter John Browne v Mark Goldberg (1999)

Judgment Date: 07 Oct 99

Summary Claimant had equitable interest in property assigned in course of business transaction. Facts The claimant ('B') sought to establish that a trust had been created in the Holwood House Estate ('the Estate'), which he had assigned to the defendant ('G') personally in order that G should be able to...

Re: Blenheim Leisure (Restaurants) Ltd (1999)

Judgment Date: 07 Oct 99

Summary Where a company had been struck off the register of companies, once an applicant could establish that a company had some real prospect of being valuable then, save in a very unusual case, the right course would be to restore the company to the register and let any other...

Bent v High Cliff Developments Ltd

Judgment Date: 06 Aug 99

Summary Whilst the court was content to declare that proposed works did not constitute "structural alterations" to the subject property, it declined to declare that the same works did not constitute alterations to its external appearance: this could only be judged once the works were completed. Facts Claimant's action for...

Norwich Union Life Insurance Co Ltd v Afzal Hameed Qureshi & Ors (1999)

Judgment Date: 30 Jul 99

Summary An insurer's duty of disclosure did not go beyond facts which were material to the insurance contract. * Leave to appeal to the House of Lords refused. Facts Appeals by the defendants ('the Names') against the decisions of Rix J and Rimer J to the effect that the Names had...

Amoco (UK) Exploration Co & Ors v Teesside Gas Transportation Ltd & Ors (1999)

Judgment Date: 30 Jul 99

Summary Defendants' appeal against the judgment of Langley J relating to a pipeline for transporting natural gas to on-shore facilities in Teesside. Facts The defendants argued that under the terms of the Capacity Reservation and Transportation Agreement ('CRTA') they were only obliged to make payments if the reserved capacity in...