Sarvenaz Fouladi (Claimant/Respondent) v (1) Darout Ltd (2) Ahmed El Kerrami (3) Sarah El Kerrami (Defendants/Appellants) & St Mary Abbots Court Ltd (Defendant) : Sarvenaz Fouladi v St Mary Abbots Cou

Judgment Date: 19 Dec 18

Summary A lessee and occupiers of a flat were liable in nuisance for noise caused to the occupiers of the flat below where the flooring of the upper flat was inadequate to prevent significant noise transmission. The lessee was also in breach of covenant under the lease for failing to...

Aldford House Freehold Ltd v (1) Grosvenor (Mayfair) Estate (2) K Group Holding Inc (2018)

Judgment Date: 14 Dec 18

Summary Whether premises comprised a "flat" within the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 s.101 depended on whether they had been constructed or adapted for use for the purposes of a dwelling. The test was not whether the premises had reached such an extent of fitting out, or remained...

(1) Cunico Resources NV (2) Cunico Marketing FZE (3) Feni Industries AD v (1) Konstantinos Daskalakis (2) Arvind Mundhra : Cunico Marketing FZE v (1) Konstantinos Daskalakis (2) Arvind Mundhra (2018)

Judgment Date: 07 Dec 18

Summary The court commented on the proper construction of CPR r.12.3(1), which provided for the claimant to obtain judgment in default of acknowledgment of service if certain conditions were met. The meaning of r.12.3(1) had been the subject of conflicting first-instance decisions, and it was to be hoped that the...

Wirsol Energy Ltd v Toucan Energy Holdings Ltd (2018)

Judgment Date: 06 Dec 18

Summary A claimant was entitled to its costs leading up to the withdrawal of its summary judgment application as it had been reasonable to make the application on the basis of the original three grounds of defence. Costs that accrued following abandonment of those defences and the raising of a...

Julian Cohen v Stobart Holdings Ltd (2018)

Judgment Date: 05 Dec 18

Summary A company failed to obtain summary judgment or to strike out a claim against it for commission for introducing a purchaser of two aircraft. Whilst the claim as formulated needed to be reviewed, potentially to join further defendants, it had a realistic prospect of success. Facts The defendant company ...

Alexander Devine Children’s Cancer Trust v (1) Millgate Developments Ltd (2) Housing Solutions Ltd (2018)

Judgment Date: 28 Nov 18

Summary The guidance given by Lord Sumption in Coventry (t/a RDC Promotions) v Lawrence [2014] UKSC 13, a nuisance case in which an injunction was claimed to restrain noise created by a use authorised by planning permission, was not appropriate guidance in a determination of whether upholding a restrictive covenant was...

Roger Moore v Stephen Moore (2018)

Judgment Date: 27 Nov 18

Summary Where a son had established his entitlement by way of proprietary estoppel to his father's share in the assets and business of a farm they had previously run as a partnership, the court gave guidance on how the son's equity should be satisfied. Although it was possible to adopt...

UBS AG v (1) Rose Capital Ventures Ltd (2) Vijay Mallya (3) Lalitha Mallya (4) Sidartha Vijay Mallya (2018)

Judgment Date: 21 Nov 18

Summary A loan agreement that gave the mortgagee an "absolute discretion" to require repayment on three months' notice was not subject to an implied term that it be exercised rationally in accordance with Braganza v BP Shipping Ltd [2015] UKSC 17. The fact that a duty of good faith arose by reason...

Lee Victor Addlesee & Ors v Dentons Europe LLP (2018)

Judgment Date: 13 Nov 18

Summary Documents in client files held by the defendant solicitors in respect of a dissolved Cypriot company were protected by legal professional privilege where many years remained in which an application to restore the company to the register could be made. The policy considerations underlying the principle "once privileged, always...