Actionstrength Ltd v International Glass Engineering, Saint-Gobain Glass UK Ltd (2001)

Judgment Date: 10 Oct 01

Summary Appeal by the second defendant ('SGG') from an order of Mitting J on 30 July 2001 by which he dismissed its application under CPR Part 24 for summary judgment against the claimant ('Actionstrength'). Facts In May 1999 SGG, as employer, contracted with the first defendant ('Inglen') as main contractor for the construction of...

Joan South v Michael Chamberlayne & Ors (2001)

Judgment Date: 07 Sep 01

Summary An assignment of the benefit of a notice to enfranchise which was made independently of or before an assignment of the tenancy in breach of s.5 Leasehold Reform Act 1967 was of no effect whatsoever. It did not serve to deprive the tenant of the right to enfranchise. Facts Application...

Starmark Enterprises Ltd v CPL Distribution Ltd (2001)

Judgment Date: 31 Jul 01

Summary Time was of the essence in relation to the service of a tenant's counter-notice under a rent review clause which deemed the reviewed rent to be that specified in the landlord's trigger notice if such a counter-notice was not validly served. Mecca Leisure Ltd v Renown Investments (Holdings) Ltd (1984) 49...

Taylor & Sons (Farms) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport & the Regions (2001)

Judgment Date: 31 Jul 01

Summary An appellant needed to state a fall-back position in the event that his appeal failed in whole or in part. It was not reasonable to come to the Court of Appeal and ask for a case be remitted to enable the planning inspector to invite further submissions. An argument...

Daido Asia Japan Co Ltd v Rothen (2001)

Judgment Date: 24 Jul 01

Summary Even though the claimant had personally relied upon a company director when she made false statements she was not personally liable following the decision in Standard Chartered Bank v Pakistan National Shipping Corp (2000) Lloyd's Rep 218. However, because she had knowingly procured her company to commit the tort, she was...

Lloyds TSB Bank Plc v Shorney & Anor (2001)

Judgment Date: 20 Jul 01

Summary The claimant bank had not been entitled, in the absence of consent from the second defendant, to take further guarantees from the first defendant which prejudiced the equitable remedies open to the second defendant as guarantor of his liabilities. Facts Appeal by the claimant Bank from a decision of...

Yenula Properties Ltd v Venkat Mun Swami Naidu (2001)

Judgment Date: 18 Jul 01

Summary A notice under s.20 Housing Act 1988 was not required to be personally served upon the tenant but could validly be served upon his duly authorised agent. Facts Held (1) The fact of access did not itself prove an intention to create a tenancy. On the evidence the court was satisfied...

Jonathan Guy Anthony Phillips & Ors v (1) Robin James Symes (2) Robin Symes Ltd (2001)

Judgment Date: 09 Jul 01

Summary The English court declined jurisdiction in favour of the Greek courts who were first seised of proceedings in relation to the administration of an estate, except in relation to claims concerned with the constitution, nullity or dissolution of a partnership involving the deceased and which was seated in England....

Profinance Trust SA v Gladstone (2001)

Judgment Date: 02 Jul 01

Summary The court had jurisdiction under s.461 Companies Act 1985 to make an order for the equivalent of interest, although that power should be exercised with great caution. The judge had erred in the exercise of his discretion by choosing the date of presentation of the petition rather than the date...