Judgment Date: 26 Nov 03

Summary No partnership had subsisted between the claimants and the defendant. The defendant was the sole proprietor of the business. As an employee, the first claimant had been in breach of his contract of employment by carrying out private deals without the knowledge or consent of his employer. Facts Action...

Silven Properties Limited v Royal Bank of Scotland (2003)

Judgment Date: 21 Nov 03

Summary On the exercise of a power of sale over mortgaged property, the mortgagee or a receiver appointed by the mortgagee were not under a duty to pursue applications for planning permission or complete the grant of leases in order to increase the likely best price reasonably obtainable on sale....

First Penthouse Ltd v Channel Hotels and Properties (UK) Ltd (2003)

Judgment Date: 14 Nov 03

Summary The holder of the leasehold reversion on a lease had unreasonably refused consent to assignment of the lease by a mortgagee and had waived the right to forfeit the lease for breach of a covenant to carry out and complete the development project expeditiously Facts Two actions relating to...

Clark v Donaldson & Ors (2003)

Judgment Date: 14 Nov 03

Summary An interim injunction was granted to restrain a beneficiary from dealing with those parts of his free assets derived from the deceased's estate pending the outcome of proceedings by the claimant to obtain probate in respect of a different will made by the deceased. Facts In an application for...

Jarvis Field Press v Chelton & Ors (2003)

Judgment Date: 29 Oct 03

Summary In the circumstances, there was an appreciable risk that the defendant, who appeared to be guilty of dishonesty, would place assets beyond the reach of her creditors and therefore a freezing order would be continued. Facts Application by claimant ('C') for the continuation of a freezing order granted against...

Jemma Trust Co Ltd v Peter D’Arcy Liptrott, John Forrester, Kippax Beaumont Lewis (2003)

Judgment Date: 24 Oct 03

Summary It was appropriate for solicitors to make a separate charge based on value for the administration of an estate, in addition to fees for time spent, provided that the remuneration overall remained fair and reasonable. Facts Appeal by solicitors ('KBL') against the decision of Costs Judge Rogers on a...

Aylesford & Co ( Estate Agents) Ltd v Al-Habtoor (2003)

Judgment Date: 24 Oct 03

Summary The defendant was liable to remunerate estate agents for outstanding fees in accordance with the terms of an agency agreement, despite his allegation that he had not received a leaflet containing the agents' terms of business and although the property sale was ultimately concluded without the agents' assistance. Facts...

Watford Petroleum Ltd & Ors v Interoil Trading SA & Ors (2003)

Judgment Date: 25 Sep 03

Summary An order made without notice providing for the disclosure of documents after exchange of witness statements gave one party an unjustified procedural advantage. Facts Appeal by Interoil ('IT') from an order of Lloyd J of 1 April 2003, allowing Watford Petroleum Ltd ('WPL') to delay the provision of certain documents until...

Castle v Chisholm (2003)

Judgment Date: 29 Aug 03

Summary T served notice claiming a new lease pursuant to the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993. At that time, the tenants were only entitled to a new tenancy if they had been occupying the flat as their only or principal home for at least 3 years out of the...