Carnegie v Giessen & Ors (2005)

Judgment Date: 01 Mar 05

Summary Enforcement of a foreign currency judgment by means of a charging order did not require the judgment debt to be converted into sterling before enforcement was completed, and such orders did not offend any rules derived from Miliangos v George Frank (Textiles) Ltd [1976] AC 433 and the relevant Practice Directions....

1)Riyad Bank, (2)RBE London Ltd, (3)RBE Ijara Fund Plc v AHLI United Bank (UK) Plc

Judgment Date: 01 Mar 05

Summary A bank owed a duty to an investment fund to exercise reasonable care to ensure that the advice it gave was sound and the nature and terms of the contracts governing the parties' relationships were not inconsistent with an assumption of responsibility by the bank to the fund for...

Watford Petroleum Ltd v Interoil Trading SA & Anor (2005)

Judgment Date: 22 Feb 05

Summary The supervisory powers of the court under the Civil Procedure Rules were such that in an appropriate case a court could order cross-examination on an interlocutory basis. Facts The claimant company (W) applied for an order that the deponent of an affidavit (X) attend the court for cross-examination. The...

SEB Trygg Holding Aktiebolag v Manches & Others (2005)

Judgment Date: 21 Feb 05

Summary Arbitration proceedings brought in the name of a non-existent company were not a nullity since the mistake was one of misnomer and the proceedings had been authorised or ratified by the company's successor. Facts The claimant (S) sought a declaration that the fourth defendant (AMB) was a party to...

Englewood Properties Ltd v (1) Shailesh Patel (2) Cornberry Ltd (2005)

Judgment Date: 16 Feb 05

Summary A seller of land had a duty as trustee to continue to perform lease covenants between the contract of sale and completion. However, where there was a lessor's covenant, and the actions of the seller could not lead to forfeiture of the interest that was the subject matter of...

Hetul Navinchandra Patel & Ors v Ashwin Motichand Shah & Ors (2005)

Judgment Date: 15 Feb 05

Summary It was unconscionable for the appellants to claim a beneficial interest to commercial properties purchased under a joint venture between their predecessors and the respondents where the appellants had made no payments to keep the properties afloat, contrary to the aims of the venture, and had only shown interest...

Richard John Hill v Spread Trustee Company & Ors (2005)

Judgment Date: 11 Feb 05

Summary One of the purposes of making a settlement of land on trust was to prejudice the interests of the Inland Revenue within the Insolvency Act 1986 s.423. Facts The applicant trustee in bankruptcy (H) applied to set aside a settlement made by the bankrupt as a sham or as a...

Kyrri-Royle & 3 Ors v Burger King Ltd & 6 Ors (2005)

Judgment Date: 07 Feb 05

Summary Any assignments in the claimants' favour of alleged claims available to their former partnership and company were subject to compromise agreements that were in full and final settlement of the disputes between the parties. Facts The first, second and seventh defendants applied to strike out the claim, alternatively for...

In The Matter Of Crystal Palace Football Club (1986) Ltd (2005)

Judgment Date: 03 Feb 05