Business Environment Group Ltd v (1) Wendy Fair (Wembley) Ltd (2) Wembley (London) Ltd (2005)

Judgment Date: 27 Jun 05

Summary The claimant company had a reasonably good prospect of establishing at trial that the defendants' use of a highway had been unreasonable and an interim injunction was granted. Facts The claimant company (B) sought an interim injunction requiring the defendant companies to maintain a clear corridor along a public...

Elite Business Systems UK Ltd v Price (2005)

Judgment Date: 27 Jun 05

Summary The opening of a bank account by a father for use in his son's business was not objectively calculated to give rise to third parties concluding that father and son were conducting the business in partnership and did not authorise the son to represent that he was trading in...

Andrew George Rickman & Ors v David Michael James Brudenell-Bruce, Earl of Cardigan & Ors (2005)

Judgment Date: 27 Jun 05

Summary Where a covenant in a conveyance prohibited certain building works without the covenantee's consent "to the size nature materials and colour thereof" a duly requested consent under the covenant was not to be unreasonably withheld. Facts The claimant property owners (R) took proceedings against the defendant trustees (B) and...

Lilian Day v Philip John Day (2005)

Judgment Date: 23 Jun 05

Summary Property purchased by a council tenant at a 60 per cent discount pursuant to her right to buy and otherwise entirely financed by her son, was held on a resulting trust for her and her son in the ratio of 60:40, as the right to buy discount was treated as a...

Bodor v Heal (2005)

Judgment Date: 21 Jun 05

Summary A claimant was entitled to the continuation of interim relief until trial subject to fortifying her cross undertaking in damages. Facts The claimant (B) applied to continue interim relief until trial. B, a venture capitalist, and the defendant (H), a property developer, had been in a relationship. B alleged...

Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd v Olympia Homes Ltd & Ors (2005)

Judgment Date: 17 Jun 05

Where an application for first registration of title to a plot of land had been cancelled the subsequent transactions had only transferred an equitable title. Where the ultimate purchaser of the land had at all material times believed that another party was entitled to an option over the land it...

Rajendra Chhotabhai Patel v (1) Euro Investments (UK) Ltd (2) Devshi Gami (3) Mohan Pinduria (2005)

Judgment Date: 27 May 05

Summary The claimant failed to show that he was entitled to an interest in a property as a partner or otherwise. Facts The claimant (P) claimed a 25 per cent share of the profits realised as a result of the development and sale of a property on the basis that he...

Attorney-General v Trustees Of The British Museum (2005)

Judgment Date: 27 May 05

Summary The express prohibition in the British Museum Act 1963 s.3(4), on the disposal of objects in the collections of the British Museum, prevented the defendant trustees from returning drawings to their owners. The fact that the trustees were under a moral obligation could not justify a disposition in breach of...

Crestfort Ltd v Tesco Stores Ltd (2005)

Judgment Date: 25 May 05

Summary Where a commercial lease was designed to ensure that the tenant had like rights and protection against an underlessee to those the landlord had against the tenant regarding repairs, the absence of such a repairing covenant in the underlease meant that the condition precedent to any obligation on the...