Emmerson International Corp v Renova Holding Ltd (2019)

Judgment Date: 20 May 19

Summary A freezing order which included restraining provisions and disclosure provisions was not severable and amounted to an injunction. Accordingly, a litigant in the British Virgin Islands did not need to seek permission in order to appeal against aspects of the disclosure provisions in a freezing order, as the order...

P (a co inc in country A) v D (a co inc in country B) & ors (2019)

Judgment Date: 16 May 19

Summary Arbitrators had breached their duty under the Arbitration Act 1996 s.33 to act fairly and impartially as between the parties by reaching a decision on a core issue without the losing party's main witness being cross-examined on that issue and by basing their decision on a case which had not...

Persimmon Homes Ltd v (1) Anthony John Hillier (2) Colin Michael Creed (2019)

Judgment Date: 09 May 19

Summary A disclosure letter sent as part of a data package in the course of negotiations for a share purchase could be rectified if it did not give effect to the parties' intended transaction. Facts The first and second defendants (D1 and D2) appealed against an order for the rectification...

Green & Newman (as Joint Administrators of each of the Respondent companies) v SCL Group Ltd (2019)

Judgment Date: 17 Apr 19

Summary The administrators of companies in the Cambridge Analytica group had not breached their duties in connection with the hearing for an administration order, nor had they misconducted themselves during the administration. They would be appointed as the companies' liquidators. Facts The administrators of companies in the Cambridge Analytica group...

Gwinnutt v George (2019)

Judgment Date: 12 Apr 19

Summary Where a bankruptcy order had been made against a barrister, fees due to them pursuant to an honorarium rather than a contract automatically vested in the trustee in bankruptcy. Facts The appellant trustee in bankruptcy appealed against a decision that certain unpaid fees of the first respondent bankrupt were...

Ali Mahmoud Hassan Mohamed v (1) Abdulmagid Breish (2) Hussein Mohamed Hussein Abdlmora (3) Mark James Shaw & Shane Michael Crooks (4) Libyan Investment Authority (2019)

Judgment Date: 01 Apr 19

Summary The court declined to make a supplementary declaration clarifying its existing declarations in a claim regarding the chairmanship of the Libyan Investment Authority. Facts The court gave a supplementary judgment to its decision ([2019] EWHC 306 (Comm), [2019] 2 WLUK 254) on preliminary issues in a claim regarding the chairmanship of the Libyan Investment...

Alexander Tugushev v (1) Vitaly Orlov (2) Magnus Roth (3) Andrey Petrik (2019)

Judgment Date: 27 Mar 19

Summary The claimant, who was pursuing a claim of unlawful means conspiracy against three defendants, had a good arguable case that the first defendant, a Russian businessman, had been resident, and therefore domiciled, in England when the claim form was issued. The English courts therefore had jurisdiction to hear the...

Galazi v Christoforou [2019] EWHC 670 (Ch)

Judgment Date: 26 Mar 19

Summary The court construed the words "claim" and "proceedings" in CPR Pt 38 when determining that substantial amendments made by the claimants to their particulars of claim effectively amounted to discontinuance so that they were subject to the default position under r.38.6(1) that a discontinuing party was liable to pay the...

(1) Warwickshire Aviation Ltd (2) Terence Timms (3) South Warwickshire School of Flying Ltd (4) Take Flight Aviation Ltd v Littler Investments Ltd (2019)

Judgment Date: 25 Mar 19

A judge had not erred in finding that an airfield owner had a reasonable prospect of obtaining planning permission to demolish buildings on the site to enable residential development, notwithstanding that the local authority's development plan contained a principle to retain and support aviation-related facilities at the airfield. The plan...