Cross Construction Sussex Limited v Tseliki (2006)

Judgment Date: 22 Mar 06

Summary A district judge's conclusion that there was not enough evidence to establish a connection between a debtor and the instant jurisdiction was one that he was entitled to reach on the evidence before him. Facts Held A debtor's centre of main interests had to be determined at the time...

Mallet & Sons (Antiques) Ltd v Grosvenor West End Properties (2006)

Judgment Date: 21 Mar 06

Summary When deciding whether a property, or at least a substantial part, satisfied the definition of a "house" for the purpose of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 s.2(1) the question that had to be decided was whether the premises, viewed at the moment notice was given, were designed or adapted for...

Lilian Day v Philip John Day [2006]

Judgment Date: 14 Mar 06

Summary A judge had erred in the exercise of his discretion by making no award of costs on the basis that neither party had been more successful than the other when it had been clear that the appellant had succeeded in the action. Facts The appellant (L) appealed against a...

In the matter of the interventions into the Solicitors’ practices known as Ahmed & Co & Ors (2006)

Judgment Date: 14 Mar 06

Summary The Law Society's duties as statutory trustee under the Solicitors Act 1974 Sch.1 Part II para.6 in relation to monies received upon an intervention in a solicitor's practice were grounded in public law. Facts The applicant Law Society applied to the court for directions in relation to the powers that...

Monks v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2006)

Judgment Date: 03 Mar 06

Summary A decision by a bankruptcy registrar not to grant an adjournment of the hearing of a bankruptcy petition to allow a debtor to make arrangements for the payment of the petition debt could not be faulted Facts The appellant debtor (M) appealed against a bankruptcy order against him, which...

Commissioners for HM Revenue & Customs v Benton-Diggins (2006)

Judgment Date: 20 Feb 06

Summary A former director of a company that was known by a prohibited name and that had gone into insolvent liquidation, was held personally responsible for the debts of the company under the Insolvency Act 1986 s.217. Facts The claimant Revenue sought to recover monies due to it from the defendant ...

Burton (HM Collector of Taxes) v Mellham Ltd (2006)

Judgment Date: 15 Feb 06

Summary Failure to pay advance corporation tax did not carry a statutory liability to pay interest forever afterwards if the principal liability had been discharged or satisfied otherwise than by payment. Facts The appellant company (M) appealed against the decision ((2003) EWCA Civ 173) that the respondent Revenue was entitled to interest...

Templeton Insurance Ltd v Penningtons Solicitors & Ors (2006)

Judgment Date: 15 Feb 06

Summary It was clear that a firm of solicitors had held certain monies under a Quistclose trust and that therefore monies paid out of its client account for a purpose other than the stated purpose had been paid in breach of trust. Facts The claimant company (T) brought an action...

Rockbrook Ltd v (1) Humayun Khan (2) Miracles by Design Ltd (2006)

Judgment Date: 07 Feb 06

Summary The claimant company had not established an arguable case that one of its company directors had acted dishonestly in the sense of conscious impropriety by allegedly diverting a business opportunity away from it, when purchasing a development site on behalf of a third party. Consequently, interim injunctions constraining the...