Eastaway v Secretary of State for Trade & Industry (2007)

Judgment Date: 10 May 07

Summary A ruling by the European Court of Human Rights that the length of director disqualification proceedings had violated the reasonable time provision in the European Convention on Human Rights 1950 Art.6 did not entitle a director to have his disqualification proceedings dismissed and a disqualification undertaking that he had given...

UK (Aid) Ltd v Martin Damian Andrew Mitchell (2007)

Judgment Date: 08 May 07

Summary It was appropriate to grant summary judgment against two former directors of a company in creditors' voluntary liquidation as they had no defence to a claim that they had misappropriated the company's monies for their own gain. Facts The claimant company (C), in creditors' voluntary liquidation, applied for summary...

J D Wetherspoon PLC v Van De Berg & Co Ltd (2007)

Judgment Date: 04 May 07

Summary Whilst an alleged conscious and deliberate breach of fiduciary duty had occurred more than six years before proceedings were issued, the claim was not statute-barred as the Limitation Act 1980 s.32 applied to prevent time from running until the concealment could have been discovered by the claimants when acting with...

Wolsey Securities Ltd v Abbeygate Management Services Ltd (2007)

Judgment Date: 03 May 07

Summary In the circumstances, a joint venture agreement and a facility letter annexed to the agreement constituted one composite agreement. Therefore a guarantor was liable in respect of the obligations under both documents, even though the guarantee had only been contained in the joint venture agreement. Facts The appellant company ...

In the matter of the estate of Winifred Victoria Edwards (2007)

Judgment Date: 03 May 07

Summary The last will of the deceased was made under undue influence where the deceased's son and sole beneficiary of the will had poisoned the deceased's mind against the beneficiaries of the original will by making untruthful accusations against them, causing the deceased to change her will in his favour....

Duke of Westminster (Deceased) (2) Grosvenor Estate Belgravia v Regis Group (Barclays) Ltd (2007)

Judgment Date: 02 May 07

Summary The price payable on enfranchisement was the amount at the valuation date that the property might be expected to realise if sold on the open market by a willing vendor, so if there was a special purchaser but the vendor was unaware of his existence, no premium could be...

Golden Grove Estates Ltd v Chancerygate Asset Management Ltd (2007)

Judgment Date: 30 Apr 07

Summary A master had confused the situation of the claimant's assets under CPR r.25.13(2)(a) and its ability to pay under CPR r.25.13(2)(c) when making no order on an application by the defendant for security for costs. Facts The appellant company (C) appealed against a decision by the court...

Sinclair Investment Holdings SA v Versailles Trade Finance Ltd (2007)

Judgment Date: 30 Apr 07

Summary Whilst an individual had persuaded the claimant company to invest funds in a particular trading transaction, as no separate and personal duty of loyalty and fidelity by that individual had been established, the claimant company failed to make good its claim to a proprietary share of a property purchased...

KPMG v Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd (2007)

Judgment Date: 27 Apr 07

Summary A prior agreement for a lease including the form and content of the draft lease attached to it was an important part of the background and was a permissible aid to construction of the lease in its final form. Where it was clear that words had been omitted and...