Knowles v Knowles (2008)

Judgment Date: 13 Jun 08

Summary There was no evidence that the defendant had not been able to comply with consent and unless orders in a possession claim as a result of his mental disability. In granting orders for possession and execution of the possession order against the defendant the judge had taken account of...

Angela Scotcher v Kirklees Borough Metropolitan Council (2008)

Judgment Date: 11 Jun 08

Summary Local authorities with a duty of care to protect vulnerable adults would not be burdened with a duty of care to employees of residential care homes in respect of the sharing of information as to their care practices where to do so might discourage, undermine or inhibit the expression...

Barlow Clowes International Ltd (In Liquidation) v Peter Henwood (2008)

Judgment Date: 23 May 08

Summary As a matter of law, a domicile of choice was not lost if a person merely moved away without having decided whether to move permanently, but it did not follow as a matter of law that if a person moved from his place of domicile of choice without having...

IIG Capital LLC v Van der Merwe (2008)

Judgment Date: 22 May 08

Summary There were sufficient indications in the wording of a guarantee of the borrower's obligations in a loan agreement to displace the strong presumption against giving the words "on demand" in a guarantee the effect of creating an independent primary obligation outside a banking context. Facts The appellants (V) appealed...

Dodds v West Register (Public Houses III) Ltd (2008)

Judgment Date: 19 May 08

Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform v Amway (UK) Ltd (2008)

Judgment Date: 14 May 08

Summary Where a company which the secretary of state sought to wind up in the public interest had revised its business model and gave undertakings as to its future conduct a winding-up order was disproportionate. Facts The petitioner secretary of state presented a petition for the winding-up of the respondent...

Gregson v HAE Trustees Ltd (2008)

Judgment Date: 08 May 08

Summary The claims that a trust company had against its directors for various breaches of duty could not, in the circumstances, be transposed to the beneficiary under that trust to pursue in her own right so her claim was struck out. Facts The first applicant company (H) and second to...

4 ENG LTD v (1) Roger Harper (2) Barry Alexander Simpson (2008)

Judgment Date: 29 Apr 08

Summary Damages for loss of the chance to purchase an alternative company, if caused by a defendant's fraudulent misrepresentation and a claimant's reliance on it, were recoverable in an action for deceit, and the foreseeability of such a head of loss was irrelevant. Facts The court was required to assess...