Sylvana Marchant Perdoni, Roberto Perdoni v Carmen Curati (2011)

Judgment Date: 20 Dec 11

Summary A presumption against a later will impliedly revoking an earlier will was not rebutted where there was no logical or material inconsistency between the two wills. In the circumstances, an inheritance to beneficiaries under an earlier will was valid as the terms of the wills were otherwise consistent, although...

Avocet Industrial Estates LLP v Merol Ltd & Tudor Rose International Ltd (2011)

Judgment Date: 19 Dec 11

Summary There had been no requirement that a landlord make a demand for default interest due under a commercial lease for that debt to become due and payable by a tenant. In the circumstances, the tenant's failure to pay default interest invalidated a break notice as the debt had remained...

Patrick Francis v F Berndes Ltd & Ors (2011)

Judgment Date: 15 Dec 11

Summary A master had correctly concluded that a letter relating to the sale of freehold premises had not complied with the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989 s.2 because it had not identified the purchaser and had failed to incorporate the obligation to purchase the property. Facts The appellant (F)...

Dalriada Trustees Ltd v David Alexander Faulds (2011)

Judgment Date: 15 Dec 11

Summary A Pension Reciprocation Plan incorporating a Maximising Pension Value Arrangement, whereby two pension schemes made reciprocal loans of funds to specific members of each other's schemes in order to facilitate access to pension capital prior to retirement, was invalid by virtue of the Finance Act 2004 s.173. The court explained...

Paratus AMC Ltd & RMAC 2005 NS1 Plc v Countrywide Surveyors Ltd (2011)

Judgment Date: 14 Dec 11

Summary In assessing the retrospective market valuation of a property a valuation method which relied upon comparable sales evidence obtained from the Land Registry for the period immediately prior to the historical valuation was to be preferred to one which primarily relied upon the application of a price per square...

Alliance Bank JSC v Aquanta Corp & 14 Ors (2011)

Judgment Date: 14 Dec 11

Summary Despite the existence of English jurisdiction clauses in loan agreements with two of the defendants, the appropriate forum for a claim by a Kazakhstan bank against its former controlling shareholders and others was Kazakhstan rather than England. Facts The defendants sought to set aside permission to serve proceedings out...

Zia Shalimoun, Infina Fund Ltd v Mining Technologies International Inc (2011)

Judgment Date: 13 Dec 11

Summary It was not an abuse of process for a company to rely in Canadian proceedings on documents disclosed pursuant to Bankers Trust orders made in the United Kingdom where it was not obvious at the time that proceedings would be commenced in Canada. Where the company had applied for...

Independent Schools Council v Charity Commission for England (2011)

Judgment Date: 02 Dec 11

Summary The court determined the appropriate form of relief to be granted following its finding that guidance issued by the Charity Commission regarding the public benefit requirement contained in the Charities Act 2006 s.2 and s.3 was wrong in law and obscure. Facts The court was required to determine the appropriate...

Persimmon Homes Ltd v Woodford Land Ltd (2011)

Judgment Date: 28 Nov 11

Summary The parties had intended the court to decide questions of construction of the terms of an option agreement upon which a rectification claim depended, despite the apparent width of a dispute resolution clause in the agreement which provided for any disagreement to be referred for determination by an expert....