Doorbar v Alltime Securities Ltd (1995)

Judgment Date: 30 Nov 95

Macro & Ors v Macro (Ipswich) Ltd & Ors (1995)

Judgment Date: 24 Nov 95

Summary Jurisdiction to appeal against a taxing master's order to adjourn taxation proceedings on costs orders until after the outcome of an appeal. Facts Appeals against taxing master's orders adjourning taxation proceedings in respect of costs ordered to be paid on two petitions, an action and a counterclaim which were...

Target Holdings Ltd v Redferns

Judgment Date: 20 Jul 95

Charterhouse Bank Ltd v Rose & Ors (1995)

Judgment Date: 16 Jun 95

Summary Claims by banks in respect of negligent overvaluation of property inducing them to finance the purchase of same. Facts Claim for damages by four plaintiff banks (CBL), (SIB), (CNCA) and (UBK) in respect of allegedly negligent advice given by the thirteen defendants, the first ten being partners in John...

Process Development Ltd v Hogg (1995)

Judgment Date: 24 May 95

Summary Duty of solicitor supervising the execution of an Anton Piller order and disclosure of information concerning the order to the police. Facts Employee's appeal against order releasing his employer from Anton Piller confidentiality undertakings as to the employer's own documents which had been recovered from the employee under the...

Allied Maples Group Ltd v Simmons & Simmons (1995)

Judgment Date: 12 May 95

Summary Whether solicitor's failure to advise properly in a takeover caused the plaintiff's loss. Facts Defendant solicitors' appeal against a judgment in which they were held liable to the plaintiffs in negligence for losses sustained by the plaintiffs in consequence of defendants' failure to provide adequate advice in the course...

In the Manlon Trading Ltd (1995)

Judgment Date: 12 Apr 95

Summary Striking out the Official Receiver's application for an order under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 for inordinate and inexcusable delay. Facts Appeal by the Official Receiver against the decision, striking out his application under s.6 Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 against Haroon Abdul Aziz for want of prosecution. Held The...

Escalus Properties Ltd v Robinson

Judgment Date: 30 Mar 95

Summary A landlord in a long lease at a low rent granted at a premium is not entitled to mesne profits in addition to or in substitution for rent arrears when the tenant or sub-tenant is granted relief against forfeiture. Facts Four appeals in which mortgagees by subdemise sought relief...