Lindstrom v Lewis (2000)

Judgment Date: 30 Mar 00

Summary A person who went into negotiations as the agent of another could not subsequently claim to have been negotiating, and to have contracted, as principal on his own account. Facts Action by the claimant ('GL') for a declaration that the defendant ('AL') held the issued shares of Tradition of...

Peter Lionel Cottingham & Julie Cottingham v Attey Bower & Jones (A Firm) (2000)

Judgment Date: 30 Mar 00

Summary Solicitors who negligently failed to pursue a request for sight of a copy of a building regulation approval were liable for the loss sustained by the claimants on their subsequent acquisition of a defective property. Facts Action for damages by the claimants against their former solicitors ('ABJ') for alleged...

Stephen David Margulies v Marcus Jonathan Margulies, Martin David Paisner & Paisner & Co (2000)

Judgment Date: 16 Mar 00

Summary On the facts, letters by the testator to the first defendant did not establish the communication of any binding secret trust or any other fiduciary obligation for the benefit of the claimant. In any event, the subject matter of any such trust or obligation was insufficiently certain to be...

Leyvand v Barasch and ors (2000)

Judgment Date: 15 Mar 00

Summary Security could not now be ordered as a matter of course from a foreign claimant and to avoid such an order he did not have the burden of establishing the ownership of fixed and permanent property here or indeed any property at all. Facts Defendants' appeal from the order...

Gillett v Holt & Anor

Judgment Date: 08 Mar 00

Summary An equivocal or revocable representation could give rise to a proprietary estoppel, since it was not the irrevocability of the representation when it was made which empowered equity to intervene, but the fact of subsequent detrimental reliance on the part of the representee, which made the representation irrevocable. Facts...

Munro v Premier Associates Ltd (2000)

Judgment Date: 07 Mar 00

Summary Principles of waiver and estoppel applied to an invalid notice to complete. Facts The defendant vendor appealed against the decision of Master Winegarten striking out its defence and counterclaim to a claim by the purchasers for specific performance and ordering performance by the vendor of a contract for the...

Victor Chandler International Ltd v (1) Customs & Excise Commissioners (2) Teletext Ltd (2000)

Judgment Date: 29 Feb 00

Summary A bookmaker whose business was located abroad was not entitled to solicit custom within the United Kingdom by broadcasting advertisements on Teletext. Such an advertisement was an "advertisement or other document" for the purposes of s.9(1)(b) Betting and Gaming Duties Act 1981. * Leave to appeal to the House of...

Edward Horrill v Alice Cooper (2000)

Judgment Date: 29 Feb 00

Summary A registration of a land charge in the Land Charges Register against the correct name of the estate owner where the land, as described, was a version of the land fully described in the conveyance, constituted an effective registration. Facts Defendant's appeal from the order of HH Judge Colyer...

Public Trustee (as Executor of the Estate of Priscilla Gordon Deceased) v Williams & ors (2000)

Judgment Date: 28 Feb 00

Summary Summary judgment was not ordered against a defendant as, on the facts, it would have been wrong to say that there was no real prospect of establishing that she was an innocent recipient of money. However a sale of property was ordered along with an enquiry as to where...