Laurie has a specialised practice of business and property work. He is recommended by Legal500 as a leading junior in commercial litigation and property litigation, and ranked by Chambers and Partners in Chancery: Commercial.

Laurie’s practice focuses on complex and high-value business and property cases. He has significant experience as a trial advocate, appearing alone and as part of a wider counsel team. His clients have remarked on his responsiveness, the clarity of his advice, and his ability to deal with tricky situations.

Laurie acts and advises in areas including:

  •  Commercial and contractual disputes
  •  Commercial fraud
  •  Property and land law
  •  Company and partnership law
  • Trusts, probate and wills
  • Insolvency (corporate and personal)
  • Professional negligence

Laurie is passionate about social responsibility at the Bar. As Co-Chair of the Bar Council’s Pro Bono and Social Responsibility Committee, Laurie’s objective is to bring the profession to Net Zero by 2030. He also works with Maitland Chambers and the Chancery Bar Association on developing social responsibility and wellbeing strategies.

  • Expertise

    • Commercial Litigation & Arbitration

      • Acting in a Commercial Court claim involving allegations of deceit and breach of contract, in the context of an agreement to purchase shares in an energy business. Led by Matthew Collings KC. (2023)
      • Sole counsel for the successful Defendant in a High Court trial concerning the enforceability of a Damages-Based Agreement. See Stoop (trading as Warwick Risk Management) v Johnson [2024] EWHC 286 (Ch).
      • Sole counsel for the successful Claimant in a High Court claim for breach of contract, in the recycling and waste disposal sector. (2019-21) Reported at Neath Port Talbot (Recycling) Limited v James Heys & Sons Ltd [2021] EWHC 3157 (Comm)
      • Sole advocate for the successful defendant in a six day High Court trial, concerning an alleged oral agreement to provide services. (2018-19) Reported at O’Neill v Avic International Corporation UK Ltd [2019] EWHC 165 (QB), and [2019] EWHC 374 (QB).
      • Appeared in the High Court on an injunction application, concerning seizure of goods in enforcement of an arbitration award. This case was a rare modern application of the Bills of Sale Act 1878, and was considered closely by the Law Commission in report LC369. Reported at [2015] EWHC 179 (QB) (2015)
      • Acted for the copyright owner in a claim for damages for infringement of the copyright in a musical composition. (2014)
      • Appeared in the Court of Appeal and at trial for Prudential (with Anthony Trace KC and Philomena Harrison) in the dispute concerning Bluewater Shopping Centre in Kent. Issues included contractual construction and rectification. Reported at Blueco Ltd v BWAT Retail Nominee (1) Ltd and other companies [2013] EWHC 1135 (Ch), and at Blueco Ltd v BWAT Retail Nominee (1) Ltd and other companies [2014] EWCA Civ 154. (2013, 2014)
      • Appeared in the Court of Appeal (with Anthony Trace KC) in litigation involving a major property development site in Slough, with issues including rectification and estoppel by convention. Reported at Lloyds TSB Bank Plc v Crowborough Properties Ltd and ors [2013] EWCA Civ 107. (2012 and 2013)
      • Acted for the claimant in a claim under the Arbitration Act 1996. (2012)
      • Appeared at trial for a manufacturer of plastic cards, where the issue was whether the goods produced were of satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. (2011)
    • Civil Fraud

      • Acting in a Commercial Court claim involving allegations of deceit and breach of contract, in the context of an agreement to purchase shares in an energy business. Led by Matthew Collings KC. (2023)
      • Acting in proceedings to recover assets from a judgment debtor’s shareholders and a related family company. Applications so far have included a freezing order, debtor examination, and relief under s423 Insolvency Act 1986. Leading Timothy Foot. (2022-3)
      • Appeared in the Court of Appeal on the question of how damages should be assessed for deceit and breach of warranty, in the context of a share sale. Led by Andrew Ayres KC. (2022) Reported at MDW v Norvill [2022] EWCA Civ 883
      • Instructed by the purchaser of a waste management business on a successful claim in fraudulent misrepresentation and breach of warranty. Led by Andrew Ayres KC. (2019-21) Reported at MDW v Norvill [2021] EWHC 1135 (Ch)
      • Instructed by defendants in a claim concerning an alleged property fraud, with causes of action including conspiracy, dishonest assistance, and unjust enrichment. (2019-20)
      • Sole advocate for the Part 20 claimant in a commercial fraud case, where a transaction was alleged to have been tainted by “kickbacks”. (2018-19)
      • Acted for the defendants in a multi-million euro commercial claim involving allegations of breach of trust, misrepresentation, and conspiracy. (2014-8)
      • Instructed (with Louise Hutton and others) on a multi-billion pound claim in fraudulent misrepresentation. (2011)
    • Company & Partnership

      • Acting for the petitioners in an unfair prejudice petition concerning redeemable preference shares (leading Rory Forsyth). (2023-4)
      • Acting for the respondents to an unfair prejudice petition in the context of a property holding SPV (leading Edward Blakeney). (2023-4)
      • Acting for the petitioner in a shareholder dispute in the High Court, with allegations including falsification of documents and misappropriation of assets. (2017-19)
      • Acting for the respondents in the early stages of an unfair prejudice petition, in the context of a family company. (2019)
      • Acted for a claimant in a High Court claim for dissolution of a property partnership. (2018)
      • Acted for a claimant in a shareholder dispute, by way of unfair prejudice petitions and an application to rectify the register of members. (2016-17)
      • Advised and acted for a former partner in respect of distribution of assets on termination of a partnership. (2013)
      • Appeared in the High Court on behalf of a company seeking an injunction preventing former directors from using confidential information for a new competing business, and claiming springboard relief and an account of profits. (2012)
      • Acted for the petitioning shareholders in an unfair prejudice claim under s994 Companies Act 2006. (2012)
    • Real Estate

      • Appeared at trial for residential property owners in a neighbour dispute concerning easements. (2019-22)
      • Acting on a claim concerning the interpretation of an express deed of trust of a jointly owned residential property. (2021-22)
      • Advising the owners of a significant estate on adverse possession claims by the owners of two neighbouring properties. (2020-23)
      • Representing a property owner challenging certain agreements on the basis of undue influence and unconscionable bargain. (2021-22)
      • Represented a tenant of sheltered accommodation at a tribunal hearing, successfully resisting an application for a determination that he had breached terms of his tenancy agreement. Published at Anchor Hanover v Edwards (2019)
      • Acted for a mortgagee in a claim for possession of a valuable property, with issues for trial including subrogation and undue influence (2018-19)
      • Acted for a tenant of part of a data centre, in a claim against the landlord for breach of covenant and negligence. (2017)
      • Acted for a claimant seeking forfeiture of a lease for serious alleged breaches of covenant (namely conversion of a valuable property into several bedsits without planning permission, building regulations approval, or landlord’s consent). (2016-17)
      • Acted for a provider of Islamic finance on a complex possession claim, with issues including misrepresentation and undue influence. (2014-17)
      • Acted for a freehold owner seeking possession of riverside mooring sites, and in related bankruptcy proceedings. (2015-17)
      • Acted for a bank defending allegations including slander of title and breach of s77 Land Registration Act 2002. (2016-17)
      • Instructed (with John McGhee KC) on a rights of light dispute relating to a property in the City of London. (2014)
      • Successfully resisted an application in the High Court for an injunction restraining sale of a property, in highly complex factual and legal circumstances. (2014)
      • Acted for a mortgage lender in a major property dispute in the High Court, involving several properties and over thirty parties. (2012 and 2013)
      • Appeared in the Administrative Court to protect a mortgagee’s interests in property subject to restraint order proceedings. (2013)
      • Acted for a tenant in his defence against Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction proceedings brought by his local authority landlord, including appearing in the tenant’s application to strike out an attempt to commit him to prison. (2012 and 2013)
      • Acted for a residential landowner in respect of a boundary dispute (2012 and 2013).
      • Appeared in the Court of Appeal (with Thomas Grant KC) on an application to make a non-party liable for costs. Reported at Bank of Scotland v Azam Qutb (Costs) (2012)
      • Appeared in the Court of Appeal (with Thomas Grant KC), applying to strike out an appeal notice on grounds of abuse of process, in that the court was misled (the purported “appellant” was long dead). Reported at Afzaal Hussain, Mona Qutb (By her Litigation Friend Azam Qutb) v Bank of Scotland Plc. (2012)
      • Advised and appeared in Cardiff County Court at the trial of a claim in proprietary estoppel, in respect of an area of farmland. (2011)
      • Appeared at trial in the High Court (with Thomas Grant KC) in a complex lender’s claim, involving issues of res judicata, estoppel, and mental incapacity, reported at Bank Of Scotland v Afzaal Hussain & Mona Qutb (2010)
    • Insolvency & Asset Recovery

      • Acting for a judgment creditor in proceedings under s423 Insolvency Act 1986, to set aside transactions defrauding creditors. Led by Siward Atkins KC. (2021-4)
      • Acting for the petitioning creditor on a bankruptcy petition in the High Court. (2021-22)
      • Appearing on the appeal of a bankruptcy order, where the judge below failed to consider the interests of the class of creditors, or properly to weigh the views of the creditors who supported and opposed the making of the bankruptcy order. (2019) Reported at Digby Rogers v Speechly Bircham LLP [2019] EWHC 1568 (Ch)
      • Instructed as an expert witness to prepare a report on English insolvency law for use in foreign proceedings. (2019)
      • Instructed on various insolvency and company law applications, eg. to set aside a statutory demand; to restrain presentation of a winding up petition; etc.
    • Offshore & Trusts

      • Appeared at the final hearing of a claim against a retired trustee, defending a claim against him for particulars and accounts of his 47 years of trusteeship. Reported at Alizade v Kudlick [2023] EWHC 1082 (Ch[LS1] ). (2021-23)
      • Acted for the defendants in a multi-million euro commercial claim involving allegations of breach of trust, misrepresentation, and conspiracy. (2014-8)
      • Appeared in the High Court on an application to remove a trustee in the context of a multi-jurisdictional dispute. (2015)
      • See further Private Client, below.
    • Private Client

      • Acting for a beneficiary of a will in a claim to replace executors and obtain letters of administration. (2023-4)
      • Advising beneficiaries on a challenge to a will under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975. (2020)
      • Acted for the claimant in a High Court claim challenging a will on grounds of forgery. (2018-19)
      • Acted for the claimant in a High Court claim challenging a will, where issues included questions of forgery; and in consequential proceedings (led by Jonathan Russen KC). Reported at Patel v Patel [2017] EWHC 133 (Ch) and Patel v Patel [2017] EWHC 1588 (Ch). (2015-17)
      • Acted for a claimant seeking provision from his late mother’s estate under Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975. (2017)
      • Advised executors on various challenges to wills, on grounds including lack of testamentary capacity and alleged claims under Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975. (2016)
      • Appeared in the Court of Appeal (with Anthony Trace KC) on a second appeal of a costs order, made after a trial under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975. Reported at Richard Paul Thomas v (1) David Jeffery (2) Joy Sweet (3) Gemma Sweet (2012)
    • Professional Negligence

      • Advising numerous purchasers of apartments in a failed development in Liverpool, on potential claims against their conveyancing solicitors.
      • Interim decision reported at Niprose v Vincents [2024] EWHC 801 (Ch[LS1] ). Please link to(2020-23)

      • Acted for multiple claimants, who purchased units in a development, in a professional negligence claim against their conveyancing solicitors. (2017-18)
      • Acted for an accountant defending a multi-million pound claim in professional negligence. (2015-17)
      • Acted for property investors in linked claims against a firm of solicitors for alleged professional negligence in five conveyancing transactions. (2015-18)
      • Acted for a firm of surveyors defending a professional negligence claim issued by a home purchaser, who claimed that the surveyor failed to notice a defect in the roof of the property. (2013)
      • Acted for the claimant in a claim against solicitors for negligent advice in a property transaction. (2012 and 2013)
      • Acted for a firm of surveyors defending a claim for an allegedly negligent valuation, issued by a second chargeholder. (2012 and 2013)
  • Directory Quotes


    "Meticulous, organised and well prepared, he's particularly good at cross-examination of witnesses. Laurie takes a very pragmatic approach to even the most complex of matters, and never loses commercial perspective."


    "An absolute pleasure to work with, he's very thorough and good with clients due to the fact that he has a very lovely manner."


    "Very responsive and someone who can provide technical answers to difficult questions. He applies the law to the facts very well, and is totally to be trusted."


    “He has amazing insight, and a capacity to work obviously very hard without appearing to do so.”

    Legal 500 Property Litigation (2024 )

    'Fantastically prepared and very diligent. A superb team player and very clever. A pleasure to work with.'

    Chambers UK Bar Chancery: Commercial (2023)

    “Laurie's attention to detail and responsiveness is exemplary.”

    Chambers UK Bar Chancery: Commercial (2023)

    “He is really pleasant to work with, very switched on, and someone who gives sound advice.”

    Chambers UK Bar Chancery: Commercial (2023)

    “He is incredibly sensitive in the way he deals with clients.”

    Legal 500 UK Commercial Litigation (2022)

    “Extremely hardworking, intelligent and sharp, Laurie is an innovative yet pragmatic thinker, which enables navigation of the most complex of issues without losing sight of commercial perspective.”

    Legal 500 UK Property Litigation (2022)

    “Detailed knowledge of property litigation and practice, very approachable and provides pragmatic solutions to client problems.”

    Legal 500 UK Commercial Litigation (2021)

    “Exceptionally intelligent with a real hunger and passion to do his best for clients – he is clear and honest in his advice, and not afraid to tell the client how it is.”

    Legal 500 UK Property Litigation (2021)

    “With a quick intelligent mind, the market has only good things to say about this fearsome advocate.”

    Legal 500 UK Commercial Litigation (2020)

    “A bright, organised and receptive barrister.”

    Legal 500 UK Property Litigation (2020)

    “He has a terrifically strong intellect and grapples complex issues that fall outside any one box.”

    Legal 500 UK Commercial Litigation (2019)

    “Responsive, technically excellent and also a team player.”

    Legal 500 UK Property Litigation (2019)

    “Extremely sharp both in his advice and in the courtroom.”

    Legal 500 UK Commercial Litigation (2017)

    “An excellent junior – thoughtful, hardworking and bright.”

    Legal 500 UK Property Litigation (2017)

    “Always quick to get to the bottom of a problem and provide practical advice.”

  • Notable Cases