Jones v Lydon (No.1)

Judgment Date: 22 Aug 21

The Claimants, Steve Jones and Paul Cook (respectively, the band’s guitarist and drummer), were represented by Edmund Cullen QC, leading Edward Granger. The First Defendant, John Lydon (the band’s frontman, and professionally known as “Johnny Rotten”) was represented by Mark Cunningham QC (leading Amanda Michaels from Hogarth Chambers)....

The State of Qatar v Banque Havilland

Judgment Date: 30 Jul 21

David Mumford QC and Thomas Munby (with Hugo Leith of Brick Court) act for the State of Qatar in proceedings in the Commercial Court against Banque Havilland SA (the “Bank”). In an important decision on 30 July 2021, David Edwards QC (sitting as a Judge of the High Court) made a number...

Official Receiver v Deuss

Judgment Date: 05 Jul 21

This is the first reported decision on costs relating to an application under s.133 of the Insolvency Act 1986 and is of relevance to creditors considering making a request under s.133, and to liquidators of companies which are the subject of a s.133 application. Mr Deuss was CEO and beneficial owner...

Melford Capital Holdings LLP and others v Digby [2021]

Judgment Date: 24 Jun 21

Add2 Research & Development Ltd v dSpace Ltd and another

Judgment Date: 17 Jun 21

As a general principle, a company may make “distributions” to shareholders out of profits available for the purpose, but not out of capital. The circumstances in which a company may properly make distributions to its shareholders are governed by two sets of rules: those in Part 23 of the Companies Act 2006,...