(1) Gerald Abraham Davidson (2) Maxine Yvette Davidson v Roger Hugh Knight Seelig & 5 Ors (2016)

Judgment Date: 15 Mar 16

Summary The purported protector of a trust was refused permission to re-amend his defence and bring a counterclaim in proceedings challenging the validity of his appointment. The application for re-amendment had been made very late, jeopardising the trial date, and raised significant new issues without any explanation for the delay....

Jackson & Anor v Feeney (2016)

Judgment Date: 10 Mar 16

Libyan Investment Authority v Societe Generale SA & 5 Ors (2016)

Judgment Date: 09 Mar 16

Summary A confidentiality club was necessary to protect persons in Libya who were reported to have received sizeable sums of money from a source associated with the Gaddafi regime, even though that might to some extent inhibit the claimant's ability to prepare its case. Facts The claimant Libyan Investment Authority...

FHR European Ventures LLP v Mankarious & Cedar Capital (2016)

Judgment Date: 02 Mar 16

Summary The court examined the principles of tracing and determined that where a fiduciary had paid trust money into one account and its own money into another account held at the same bank, the funds could not be said to have been mixed. In such circumstances, the principles of tracing...

Hancock v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2016)

Judgment Date: 18 Feb 16

Summary "Transaction" in the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 s.116 could not encompass more than one conversion of "securities" within the meaning of s.132. Facts HMRC appealed against a decision ([2014] UKFTT 695 (TC), [2014] S.F.T.D. 1163) that a disposal for cash by the respondent taxpayers of two loan notes did...

Vizcaya Partners Limited v Picard (2016)

Judgment Date: 03 Feb 16

Summary The Privy Council considered the scope of the principle that a foreign default judgment was enforceable against a judgment debtor who had made a prior submission to the jurisdiction of the foreign court. In particular, it discussed the circumstances in which an agreement to submit to the jurisdiction of...

Trilogy Management Ltd (A company incorporated in the Bailliwick of Jersey) v Harcus Sinclair (A firm) (2016)

Judgment Date: 02 Feb 16

Summary A claim for breach of duty against solicitors for negligent drafting of documents was out of time and the claimant had insufficiently pleaded deliberate wrongdoing so as to postpone commencement of the limitation period. However, a claim raised in replies to further information that the solicitors had acted without...

Dooba Developments Limited v McLagan Investments Ltd (2016)

Judgment Date: 29 Jan 16

Summary The correct interpretation of a clause in a conditional sale agreement which entitled either party to rescind "if all of the Conditions [had] not been discharged" by the long-stop date was that either party was entitled to rescind after that date, unless all of the conditions had been discharged...

Lord Chancellor v John Blavo & MSP Capital (2016)

Judgment Date: 28 Jan 16

Summary A freezing order was continued against a solicitor who had been the managing director of a firm which had allegedly fraudulently claimed legal aid for thousands of cases. The firm had been liquidated, but the solicitor had signed a deed of guarantee and indemnity in respect of the firm's...