Barclays Bank PLC v John M Holmes & Ors (2000)

Judgment Date: 21 Nov 00

Summary Where an employer decided to close an existing pension scheme to new entrants, and created a new scheme which would coexist with the original scheme, there was no objection to the employer funding its contributions in respect of the new scheme from the surplus in the fund which had...

Khaled Naser Hamoud Al-Sabah & Juan Jose Folchi Bonafonte v Grupo Torras SA (2000)

Judgment Date: 02 Nov 00

Summary The trial judge had wrongly dismissed the first appellant's explanation that he was the innocent recipient of moneys that were part of a fraudulent transaction. Given the judge's findings of fact in relation to the culpability of the second appellant, any theoretical differences between Spanish law and English law...

Hallisey v Petmoor Developments Ltd (2000)

Judgment Date: 01 Nov 00

Summary The "main structure" of a modern block of residential flats was to be construed as including not only the bare concrete shell of the building but also whatever additional surfaces were created by the landlord in order to make that shell a complete and effective structure for the purpose...

The Official Receiver v Ivan Alfred Hodgkinson, Annette Marion Hodgkinson & Oliver Gillie (2000)

Judgment Date: 13 Oct 00

Summary Where an application was made for the disqualification of a director in her absence, the court had an unlimited power to set aside the order if appropriate. Facts Appeal by the Official Receiver ('OR') against a decision to adjourn directors' disqualification proceedings against the second respondent ('H'). The OR...

Rumsey v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport & The Regions (2000)

Judgment Date: 11 Oct 00

Summary There was no sustainable basis for challenging an inspector's refusal to grant planning permission for an extension to a bungalow in an area of outstanding natural beauty and an area of great landscape value. Appeal by the claimant ('R') pursuant to s.288 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 from a...

Peter Pexton v Wellcome Trust (2000)

Judgment Date: 10 Oct 00

Summary A successful party was not to be deprived of part of its costs on the basis that the litigation, conducted at arm's length, was a test case and that the judgment might be of assistance to that party in the future. Facts Claimants' appeal from the order of HH...

Inland Revenue Commissioners v Adam & Partners Ltd (2000)

Judgment Date: 09 Oct 00

Summary The absence of any realistic prospect of a dividend being paid to preferential and unsecured creditors did not invalidate a proposal for a voluntary arrangement under s.1 Insolvency Act 1986. Although the arrangement did not amount to a composition under s.1(1) of the Act, it did amount to a scheme...

Bluewater Operations (UK) Ltd v Amerada Hess Ltd (2000)

Judgment Date: 31 Jul 00

Summary Construction of a contract, for the provision of a floating production storage and offtake facility, in relation to payments made during the time when the facility was taken off-field for repair. Facts Appeal by the claimant from the judgment of Thomas J dismissing their claim in respect of five...

Philip Browell v Michael Goodyear (2000)

Judgment Date: 31 Jul 00

Summary Where a solicitors partnership was dissolved and there were two large claims handling agreements outstanding, the correct method for dealing with work in progress was to: (i) consider them as a whole; then (ii) to establish the percentage of work that had been completed at the date of dissolution;...