UBS AG v Kommunale Wasserwerke Leipzig GMBH (2017)

Judgment Date: 16 Oct 17

Summary A judge had been right to grant rescission of derivative contracts between a bank and its customer on the grounds of bribery and conflict of interests. He had erred in holding the bank responsible for the bribe, because the third party making it had not, on the facts, been...

Zayo Group International Ltd v Michael Ainger & 6 Ors (2017)

Judgment Date: 13 Oct 17

Summary Claims against seven defendants alleging breaches of management warranties given in a share purchase agreement were dismissed. The claimant had failed to serve the notice of claim on one of the defendants by the final date for service, so, under the terms of the agreement, none of the claims...

Patrick Degorce v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2017)

Judgment Date: 06 Oct 17

Summary The First-tier Tribunal had not made any material error of law when deciding that a taxpayer who participated in a film finance tax avoidance scheme had not been carrying on a trade capable of giving rise to trading losses. The Upper Tribunal had been entitled to view an error...

(1) Frederick Dennis Baldwin (2) Soma Contract Services Ltd v Jr Pickstock Ltd (2017)

Judgment Date: 05 Oct 17

Summary When an adjudicator failed to provide a decision in accordance with the time agreed by the parties, his appointment lapsed or expired by effluxion of time. The provision in the Scheme for Construction Contracts (England and Wales) Regulations 1998 Sch.1 Pt I para.9 allowing an adjudicator to resign "at any...

Berrocal v Warner Chappell Music Ltd

Judgment Date: 03 Oct 17

Summary A New York choice of law clause in licence agreements concerning musical copyright could not be construed as also being an exclusive New York jurisdiction clause. The English court had jurisdiction to deal with the matter without expert evidence on New York law where the parties had not identified...

In Re The Estate Of Prabhavati Dahyabhai Patel, Deceased Sub Nom Girish Dahyabhai Patel v Yashwant Dahyabhai Patel (2017)

Judgment Date: 22 Sep 17

Summary The court refused to grant the claimant probate of an alleged will of his mother, holding that he had forged the will. Facts The claimant asked the court to grant probate of the alleged last will of his mother, and to revoke the grant of probate to the defendant,...

Company 1 v (1) Company 2 (2) A (2017)

Judgment Date: 20 Sep 17

Summary The court refused to grant interim relief to a company which was involved in litigation in the same dispute in both the British Virgin Islands and in Swiss arbitration. In those circumstances it was not appropriate for the court to exercise its powers under the Arbitration Act 1996 s.44 to...

Insol Funding Co Ltd (Claimant) v (1) Sacha Fairfax Cowlam (First Defendant And Part 20 Claimant) (2) Christopher William Cowey (Second Defendant And First Part 20 Defendant) (3) Insol Funding Co Ltd

Judgment Date: 06 Sep 17

Summary In relation to a property which had been bought in the joint names of the first and second defendants, the first defendant had established the existence of a constructive trust under which she owned an 80% beneficial interest in the property. Facts The first defendant (D1) sought a determination of...

Clydesdale Bank Plc v (1) R Gough (T/A JC Gough & Sons) (2) Anne Michelle Gough (2017)

Judgment Date: 05 Sep 17

Summary There was no evidence that a bank which had made loans and given overdraft facilities to a farmer had agreed not to enforce legal charges securing his indebtedness unless he had had a reasonable period within which to sell the assets. There was no unfair relationship between the bank...