Davey v Bailey

Judgment Date: 26 Feb 21

Davey v Bailey [2021] EWHC 445 (Ch) is a significant judgment on the law of deathbed gifts (donationes mortis causa; “DMCs”). A DMC is one of the few ways in which a person can make a valid transfer of property on death without complying with the formalities required by section 9 of the...

Keeping Kids Company

Judgment Date: 12 Feb 21

The Official Receiver applied for the making of disqualification orders under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 against all of the directors who had been in office at or shortly before the charity’s collapse, together with its Chief Executive Officer, Camila Batmanghelidjh, who was alleged to have been a de...

Active Media Services Inc v Burmester, Duncker & Joly Gmbh & Co KG and others [2021]

Judgment Date: 09 Feb 21

Summary Mr Justice Calver has dismissed a claim in the Commercial Court worth over US$3 million relating to financing of an animated film. The case raised interesting issues relating to election, waiver and estoppel, and the inferences to be drawn from a party’s deliberate destruction and concealment of evidence....

Ming Siu Hung v JF Ming Inc. UKPC 27 (2021)

Judgment Date: 14 Jan 21

Following his ruling that his failure to provide the minority with the Company’s financial statements as required by the Company’s articles constituted unfair prejudice, Leon J had ordered that the majority shareholder buy the shares of the minority. The Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal upheld his finding of...

Re Sprintroom Limited [2020] EWHC 3465 (Ch)

Judgment Date: 20 Dec 20

Rebecca appeared un-led in High Court trial on valuation of shares in an unfair prejudice petition involving cross-examination of share valuation experts.

Arlington Infrastructure Ltd (In Administration) v Woolrych (2020)

Judgment Date: 26 Nov 20

Challenge of out-of-court appointment of administrators (as case leader).

Sara & Hossein Asset Holdings Ltd v Blacks Outdoor Retail Ltd (2020)

Judgment Date: 13 Nov 20

Summary Richard Fowler acted for the successful appellant landlord, Sara, before the Court of Appeal and at first instance in a dispute over service charges claimed pursuant to a “conclusive certification” clause in leases of commercial premises. The reasoning of the Court of Appeal’s judgment is also applicable in...