David Mensah (T/A 37 Days 3 Hours 9 Minutes) v Jeremy Darroch & 8 Ors (2014)

Judgment Date: 19 Mar 14

Summary A claim brought against broadcasting entities that a television show they had launched had been developed using a business proposal submitted to them by the claimant was struck out in its entirety where the claimant had failed to adduce any material facts on which allegations of dishonesty and conspiracy...

In the Matter of Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (In Administration) (2014)

Judgment Date: 14 Mar 14

Summary The "contributory rule", whereby a contributory of a company in liquidation could not recover anything in respect of any claims he might have as a creditor until he had fully discharged his obligations as a contributory, did not extend to administrations. Facts The joint administrators of three companies in...

In the Matter of the Estate of Sir James Wilson Savile, Deceased & Ors v Luke Lucas & Ors (Mar 2014)

Judgment Date: 11 Mar 14

Summary At the request of an executor of an estate, a court sanctioned a scheme which aimed to facilitate the resolution of personal injury claims against the estate in a speedy and inexpensive manner. Facts The applicant executor (N) applied for the court's approval of a scheme to facilitate the...

In the Matter of the Administration of the Estate of Jimmy Saville (2014)

Judgment Date: 11 Mar 14

Summary At the request of an executor of an estate, a court sanctioned a scheme which aimed to facilitate the resolution of personal injury claims against the estate in a speedy and inexpensive manner. Facts he applicant executor (N) applied for the court's approval of a scheme to facilitate the...

Joint Stock Co “Aeroflot - Russian Airlines” v Berezovskaya & Anor (2014)

Judgment Date: 04 Mar 14

Summary Receivers' valuation of an estate was to be used in an application for a grant of administration of that estate where an issue had arisen as to the use of confidential information in that application. Facts The appellants (P) appealed against a decision (Elenin (aka Berezovsky) (Deceased), Re [2014] EWHC 70 ...

DMWSHNZ Ltd v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2014)

Judgment Date: 03 Mar 14

Summary The court had to determine whether a joint election under the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 s.171A was valid to enable a company to be deemed as having disposed of loan notes held by its sister company within the same corporate group. The notes, qualifying corporate bonds for...

Pillar Denton Ltd v GAME Retail Ltd (2014)

Judgment Date: 24 Feb 14

Summary Where property leased by a company in administration was retained by the administrator for the benefit of the administration, under the salvage principle the administrator had to pay the rent during the period for which he retained the property. The rent was treated as accruing from day to day...

In the Matter of the Administration of the Estate of Jimmy Saville (Feb 2014)

Judgment Date: 24 Feb 14

Summary The court determined that two applications in relation to the estate of Jimmy Savile should be heard in public. Facts The court had to determine whether two applications in relation to the estate of Jimmy Savile (J) should be heard in public. One application was brought by the executor ...

Santander UK Plc v RA Legal Solicitors (2014)

Judgment Date: 24 Feb 14

Summary A firm of solicitors which had acted in breach of trust by releasing trust money to a fraudster could not expect to persuade the court that it was fair to excuse it from liability on the basis that it had, in all respects connected with the loss, acted reasonably....