Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council v (1) Racing Uk Ltd (2) Doncaster Racecourse Ltd (2005)

Judgment Date: 20 Jul 05

Summary The trial judge, on the evidence before him, was entitled to conclude that the local authority, the owner of a racecourse, held out the chief executive of a racecourse management company as having authority to enter into an agreement with the claimant company on the local authority's behalf in...

Nirmal Singh Chahal v (1) Krishan Deve Mahal (2) Pooja Deol (2005)

Judgment Date: 15 Jul 05

Summary On the unusual facts of the case, the transfer of a business previously owned and run by a partnership to a limited company did not operate to dissolve the partnership as one of the partners had not been involved in the decision to transfer and had not been allocated...

Farlin Timbers PTE Ltd v Jubilee International Inc (2005)

Judgment Date: 15 Jul 05

Legends Surf Shops Plc (In Administrative Receivership) v Sun Life Assurance Society Plc (2005)

Judgment Date: 14 Jul 05

Summary It was not appropriate to strike out a tenant's claim for relief from forfeiture where the trial judge might conclude that the landlord could not insist on an authorised guarantee agreement within the meaning of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 s.16, put forward so that the lease could...

Henry Boot Construction Ltd v Alstom Combined Cycles Ltd (2005)

Judgment Date: 04 Jul 05

Summary A contractor's right to payment under a building contract incorporating the Institution of Civil Engineers Standard Form (6th edition) arose when an engineer's certificate was issued, or ought to have been issued, under clause 60 and not when the work was done. The failure to include a sum in an...

National Westminster Bank Plc v Spectrum Plus Ltd & Ors (2005)

Judgment Date: 30 Jun 05

Summary A charge over book debts in a debenture which required the proceeds of the book debts to be paid into an account with the bank but placed no restriction on the use that could be made of the balance on the account thereafter was a floating and not a...

West Bromwich Building Society v Wilkinson & Anor (2005)

Judgment Date: 30 Jun 05

Summary The appellant building society (B) appealed against a decision ((2004) EWCA Civ 1063, (2004) C.P. Rep. 42) that their claim to recover a shortfall from a mortgage advance was time barred by the Limitation Act 1980 s.20(1). Facts The respondent mortgagors (W) had entered into a mortgage agreement with B and had defaulted...

West Bromwich Building Society v Wilinson & Anor (2005)

Judgment Date: 30 Jun 05

Summary For the purposes of the Limitation Act 1980 s.8 and s.20, the date at which a building society's right accrued to recover the shortfall of a mortgage advance from the mortgagors was the date when the mortgagors defaulted in the monthly instalment payments. Facts The appellant building society (B) appealed...

DEMCO Investments & Commercial SA & ors v SE Banken Forsakring Holding Aktiebolag (2005)

Judgment Date: 30 Jun 05

Summary There could be no appeal under the Arbitration Act 1996 s.69 against the findings of fact in an award, since under s.69(3)(c) of the Act the facts had to be accepted for the purpose of any application for permission to appeal; it was not open to the court to...