Sangeeta Mehra v Radiatben Rajnikant Shah & Ors (2003)

Judgment Date: 05 Aug 03

Summary Six sisters were not partners in a family business and only the surviving brothers or their representatives were entitled to the winding up of the partnership and realisation of the business assets. Facts Action by the claimant ('S') concerning the ownership of a family business and certain properties. CB...

Jordan Grand Prix Ltd v Vodafone Group PLC (2003)

Judgment Date: 04 Aug 03

Summary A claim for breach of an alleged sponsorship contract was dismissed as no binding agreement existed, contrary to the claimant's allegation that one of the defendant's employees had orally notified the claimant of a sponsorship deal. Facts Action by the claimant ('Jordan') for damages for breach by the defendant ...

Interoil Trading SA v Watford Petroleum Ltd: Watford Petroleum Ltd v Interail Trading SA (2003)

Judgment Date: 01 Aug 03

Summary The court refused to order security for costs against the defendants where the defendants had been unable to put full financial affairs before the court due to circumstances that may have been caused by the claimants. Facts Two applications for security for costs by Interoil Trading SA ('Interoil'): (i)...

Michael Slattery v Moore Stephens (A Firm) (2003)

Judgment Date: 31 Jul 03

Summary Tax accountants were negligent in failing to advise a client who was resident, but not ordinarily resident, in the UK for tax purposes of the obvious tax mitigation solution of having his employment earnings paid into a Channel Island bank account. Facts Claim for professional negligence arising out of...

Sweetman v Nathan (2003)

Judgment Date: 25 Jul 03

Summary A finding in previous proceedings that the defendant had obtained a loan by fraudulent misrepresentation by him and his solicitor did not prevent him from suing his solicitor for negligence and the judge had been wrong to strike out his claim against his solicitor's partners on grounds of issue...

Dryblend Ltd v Tesco Stores Ltd (2003)

Judgment Date: 21 Jul 03

Summary On a true construction of a lease, the "open market value" of assets of a business was the value of the assets as at the date of expiry of the lease. Facts Determination of an issue of construction of a lease of 29 June 1993 between the defendant landlord ('L') and...

Folds v Abrahart (2003)

Judgment Date: 18 Jul 03

Summary Construction of will; doctrine of conditional wills

Peter Shalson & Jean-Claude Mimran & Ors v Onofrio Russo & Ors (2003)

Judgment Date: 11 Jul 03

Summary A claim to trace money into a valuable motor yacht and a bank account failed where the interest was dependant on there being a fiduciary relationship sufficient to invoke equity's tracing ability and there was no justification for the suggested consolidation of a current account with a deposit account...

John Smith v Joseph Samuel Muscat (2003)

Judgment Date: 10 Jul 03

Summary A set-off of unliquidated damages for a previous lessor's breach of a repairing covenant was available to the lessee against a claim for rent arrears which had been assigned by the previous lessor to the claimant lessor. Facts Appeal under CPR 52.14 raising the point of principle as to whether...