Nikolay Viktorovich Maximov v Open Joint Stock Co “Novolipetsky Metallurgichesky Kombinat” (2017)

Judgment Date: 07 Jul 17

Summary The court refused an application to enforce an arbitration award made in Russia which had been later set aside by the Russian Commercial Court. An appeal to the Russian appeal court had also failed. Despite criticism of the Russian judgments, they were not so perverse that they could only...

Pearson v Primeo Fund (2017)

Judgment Date: 06 Jul 17

Summary Where a Cayman Islands company had issued redeemable shares and had later been wound up, an investor which had redeemed its shares under the terms of the company's articles, but which had not received payment of the proceeds before the commencement of the winding-up, had redeemed the shares for...

Jagdish Lakhani & anor v Ibrahim Sheikh Abadullah Mahmud & Ors (2017)

Judgment Date: 05 Jul 17

Summary A judge had been correct to restrict the defendants' recoverable costs to court fees only under CPR r.3.14 where they had served their costs budget late without a reasonable excuse. Although the decision was on the tougher end of the spectrum as to substance and on the leaner end...

(1) Patricia Ann Jones (2) David Jones v (1) Timothy Paul Oven (2) Ruth Oven (2017)

Judgment Date: 28 Jun 17

Summary On the proper construction of a commercial agreement, a strip of land that had to be retransferred back to its original owners was subject to restrictive covenants which applied to the rest of the owners' retained land. The parties' intention had been for the owners' retained land to be...

Jones v Oven (2017)

Judgment Date: 28 Jun 17

Summary On the proper construction of a commercial agreement, a strip of land that had to be retransferred back to its original owners was subject to restrictive covenants which applied to the rest of the owners' retained land. The parties' intention had been for the owners' retained land to be...

Bisrat v Kebede (2017)

Judgment Date: 26 Jun 17

Summary Reference to "the mother church" in a charity's trust deed giving control of a church building was to the Addis Ababa synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. Although a rival Seattle synod had claimed subsequent revisions to the church's byelaws had led to their appointment as trustees instead,...

Paul Spencer-White v Harding Evans LLP (2017)

Judgment Date: 14 Jun 17

Summary Fees charged for work completed by a firm of solicitors prior to the termination by its client of the agreement between them were properly payable pursuant to the firm's terms of business. The firm was entitled to retain all the client's papers and documents it held until monies owed...

BTI 2014 LLC v (1) Sequana SA (2) Antoine Courteault (3) Pierre Martinet (4) Clive Mountford (5) Martin Newell: Bat Industries Plc v (1) Sequana SA (2) Windward Prospects Ltd (2017)

Judgment Date: 02 Jun 17

Summary It was appropriate to exercise jurisdiction under CPR r.3.1(7) to revoke part of an order imposing a stay of execution of a remedy. Maintaining the stay would be otiose in circumstances where the original reason for its grant, namely to avoid stifling an appeal, was no longer relevant. Facts...

Yashwant Dahyabhai Patel v (1) Girish Dahyabhai Patel (2) Jayshree Patel (3) Ranjanabala Patel (4) Nirja Jain (2017)

Judgment Date: 02 Jun 17

Summary Permission was granted to bring contempt proceedings following the court's decision in a probate action that a will had been forged, which gave rise to a prima facie case of a conspiracy by the respondents to make false statements to mislead the court. Facts The applicant applied for permission...