Re Bowen Travel Ltd [2012] All ER (D) 63 (Dec)

Judgment Date: 08 Nov 13

Re Bowen Travel Ltd [2012] All ER (D) 63 (Dec): Application for Administration Order (Chancery Division Birmingham DR) in respect of a travel company.

Iain Laurie Shearer & Ors v Spring Capital Ltd & Ors (2013)

Judgment Date: 04 Nov 13

Summary Where claimants had been granted an interim injunction and the defendant's applications for strike out and summary judgment had been dismissed, it was appropriate to depart from the general approach to costs to reflect the nature, degree and circumstances of the claimants' success. Facts The court dealt with matters...

Docker v Rose (2013)

Judgment Date: 31 Oct 13

Summary Where the conduct of the sale of a property pursuant to a consent order had passed from the wife of a bankrupt to his trustee in bankruptcy, the trustee was entitled, on the correct interpretation of the consent order, to a smaller amount from the proceeds of sale. Facts...

Mynt Ltd v Revenue & Customs Commissioners (2013)

Judgment Date: 30 Oct 13

Summary Where an appellant had begun a “missing trader fraud” appeal in the VAT and Duties Tribunal and had agreed that costs should be in the cause following the transfer of that appeal to the First-tier Tribunal, it could be concluded that it had hoped to recover its costs if...

Closegate Hotel Development (Durham) Ltd & Ors v Joseph McLean (2013)

Judgment Date: 25 Oct 13

Summary A lender had not been estopped from appointing administrators under its floating charge over a borrower's assets where the borrower had failed to show that the lender had made a clear and unequivocal statement, to be inferred from letters and negotiations, that it would not call in its loan...

Mountstar (PTC) Ltd v Charity Commission for England & Wales (2013)

Judgment Date: 17 Oct 13

Summary The Charity Commission for England and Wales had acted lawfully in deciding to open a statutory inquiry into a charity and in appointing an interim manager on the basis of concerns that the charity's sole trustee might be conflicted by virtue of the charity's involvement in a gift aid...

Honda Motor Europe Ltd & Ors v Tony Powell & Ors - UK Pension Scheme Ltd (2013)

Judgment Date: 17 Oct 13

Summary The court ruled on the proper interpretation of a deed affecting employees' entitlements under an occupational pension scheme. Facts The claimants (H1 and H2), being companies within the Honda group, sought a declaration concerning the proper interpretation of a deed relating to the group's United Kingdom pension scheme. H1...

Iain Lawrie Shearer & Ors v Spring Capital Ltd & Ors (2013)

Judgment Date: 17 Oct 13

Summary The court refused to grant summary judgment in a claim by two borrowers for an order requiring their lender to release and discharge a number of securities for loans. The case raised serious triable issues concerning the validity of the tender of an outstanding sum where a borrower had...