LB Holdings Intermediate 2 Ltd (In Administration), Re Lehman Brothers Holdings Plc (In Administration)

Judgment Date: 03 Jul 20

The court was required to determine issues in the administrations of two Lehman Brothers companies (P and L) concerning the priority of certain subordinated debts for the purpose of distributing funds in the administrators' hands. P and L were intermediate holding companies in the Lehman Brothers group. L was the...

In the Matter of The Competition and Markets Authority v Michael Christopher Martin [2020] EWHC 1751 (Ch)

Judgment Date: 03 Jul 20

Facts The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) applied under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 s.9A(10) for the disqualification of the defendant (M) as a director of an estate agency.The CMA had found that M's agency was one of six in the Burnham-on-Sea area of Somerset which had participated...

Singularis Holdings Limited (in official liquidation) v Chapelgate Credit Opportunity Master Fund Limited (2020)

Judgment Date: 22 Jun 20

Summary Singularis Holdings Limited has succeeded in its claim to retain US$15 million from the proceeds of litigation against Daiwa Capital Markets Europe Ltd (“Daiwa”). This sum was claimed by the Defendant litigation funder, ChapelGate Credit Opportunity Master Fund Limited (“ChapelGate”), under the terms of its litigation funding agreement with...

European Film Bonds A/S & other v Lotus Holdings LLC & others [2020]

Judgment Date: 11 May 20

Summary The High Court has given judgment in favour of film completion guarantors (represented by Edmund Cullen QC) who have successfully avoided a potential liability of over €18 million in what is said to have been one of the largest film completion guarantee claims to have been submitted. Facts The Claimants...

Hellard v Registrar of Companies (2020)

Judgment Date: 04 May 20

Test case concerning company restoration applications (as sole advocate).

Convoy Collateral Ltd v Broad Idea International Ltd & Cho Kwai Chee (2020)

Judgment Date: 01 Apr 20

Summary The Court of Appeal of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal against the discharge of a Black Swan freezing injunction for want of jurisdiction over the second respondent, Dr Cho. In doing so, the Court of Appeal affirmed the applicability of the Privy Council’s judgment...

Kazakhstan Kagazy PLC v Baglan Abdullayevich Zhunus & Ors (2020)

Judgment Date: 25 Mar 20

Summary The court declined to exercise its discretion under CPR r.3.1(7) to reconsider or vary various orders concerning the failure of a party in relation to information and pleadings, as the discovery of an order made in another jurisdiction was not a material change of circumstances and there had been...

Popely v Popely (2020)

Judgment Date: 19 Mar 20

Summary The court considered the principles upon which a costs order might be made against a third party where it was said that he was the driving force behind the litigation, and further considered whether it was appropriate to make an order for costs against a trustee company which was...