Procter & Gamble Co v Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA (2012)

Judgment Date: 14 May 12

Summary Early retirement benefits did not fall to be treated as such after normal retirement age. Pension instalments paid after normal retirement age fell to be characterised as old age benefits within the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 reg.10, notwithstanding that the pension had first come into payment...

Rukhmin Balgobin v South West Regional Health Authority (2012)

Judgment Date: 10 May 12

Summary The Privy Council summarised the principles of election and merger of causes of action. The Court of Appeal (Trinidad and Tobago) had been wrong to conclude that by obtaining default judgment against a second defendant, a claimant in a personal injury action had made an unequivocal election which precluded...

Scottish Widows Fund & Life Assurance Society v BGC International (2012)

Judgment Date: 09 May 12

Summary A judge had erred in his construction of a clause in a sub-sub-underlease, which was inconsistent with the relevant lease when read with the supplemental agreement. Statements made in the course of the pre-contractual negotiations were no more than statements of the negotiating stance at that point in time,...

Helena Partnership Ltd v Revenue & Customs Commissioners & Attorney-General (2012)

Judgment Date: 09 May 12

Summary The provision of housing accommodation, otherwise than for those in some relevant charitable need, was not a charitable purpose within the spirit and intendment of the preamble to the Charitable Uses Act 1601, either directly or by analogy with any other recognised purpose. It followed that the objects of a...

R (Cameron) v HMRC (2012)

Judgment Date: 08 May 12

Summary If a taxpayer had acquired a legitimate expectation that he was entitled to the benefit of a particular concession, he also had a legitimate expectation that such concession would not be withdrawn retrospectively and that any withdrawal would be managed fairly. Facts The claimant seafarers (C) applied for judicial...

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants v Koumettou (2012)

Judgment Date: 03 May 12

In The Matter of Lehman Brothers (2012)

Judgment Date: 27 Apr 12

Summary A letter agreement between Lehman Brothers International (Europe) and Lehman Brothers Finance SA dating from 2006 did not affect the conduct and outcome of Close-out Amount determinations under s.6 of the 1992 ISDA Master Agreement, as amended, following the Automatic Early Termination of the transactions made pursuant to it. Facts The...

E-Clear (UK) Plc (In Liquidation) v Elias Elia, Ian Defty (2012)

Judgment Date: 25 Apr 12

Summary A court granted summary judgment where it had been clear beyond doubt that defences to a company's proprietary claim would fail as even if it could have been established that company funds used to purchase property had been repayments for funds personally loaned to the company, it was not...

Harbour Castle Ltd v David Wilson Homes Ltd (2012)

Judgment Date: 18 Apr 12

Summary A particulars of claim which had been amended so as to add a second cause of action amounted to a "new particulars of claim" within the meaning of an unless order. Although the second cause of action was poorly drafted,a defective particulars of claim could still amount to...